Norton, Moses, governor of Fort Prince of Wales, 244; character of, 246-247; death of, 269-270.
Ochagach, Indian hunter, 202.
Octbaton tribe of Indians, 131 n.
Ojibway Indians, 115, 365.
Oldmixon, John, cited, 92 n., 114 n., 130 n., 147 n.
Omaha Indians, Radisson’s possible visit to, 86, 88.
Omtou tribe of Indians, 131 n.
Oneida Indians, the, 34, 364.
Onondaga, settlement at, 46; Iroquois conspiracy against, 46-48; garrison besieged at, 55-63; escape of French from, 64-67.
Onondaga tribe, the, 34; Jesuit mission among (1656), 46-47; treacherous conduct of, toward Christian Hurons, 50-54.
Orange. See Albany.
Orimha, Radisson’s Mohawk name, 16.
Oudiette, Jean, 154 n.
“Ouinipeg,” Lake, 69, 71.
Outanlouby Indians, the, 364.
Pacific Ocean, Mackenzie’s expedition reaches
the, 302-303; Lewis and
Clark’s expedition reaches, 327.
Papinachois Indians, the, 363.
Parkman, Francis, cited, 5 n., 19 n., 46 n., 87 n., 96 n.
Pays d’en Haut, “Up-Country,” defined, 201 n.
Peace River, the, 281; exploration of, 287; Mackenzie reaches the source of the, 294.
Pemmican, defined, 223.
“People of the Fire,” the, Mascoutin Indians, 80 n., 86 n., 100, 131 n.
Pictured Rocks of Lake Superior, the, 112.
Piescaret, Algonquin chief, 4.
Pipe of peace, smoking the, 121-123.
Plains of Abraham, named for Abraham Martin, 45 n.
Poinsy, M. de, commander at St. Christopher, 353.
Poissons Blancs (White Fish) Indians, the, 363.
Poncet, Pere, 41.
Port Nelson, 140, 161-175, 182-186.
Port Royal, Nova Scotia, Radisson and Groseillers at, 135.
Prince Maximilian, 226.
Prince Rupert, patron of French explorers, 138-139, 180; first governor of Hudson’s Bay Company, 140.
Prisoners, treatment of, by Iroquois, 15-16, 25-28, 54.
Prudhomme, Mr. Justice, 88 n.
Purification, bath of, Indian rite, 14, 268.
Quebec, Iroquois hostages for safety of Onondaga held at, 48, 55-56; celebration at, on return of Radisson and Groseillers, 99; meeting of fur traders at (1676), 149; Indian tribes located about, 363.
Radisson, Pierre Esprit (the elder), 6 n., 43 n.
Radisson, Pierre Esprit, uncle of the explorer, 43 n.