D’Argenson, Viscomte, governor of New France, 99, 129-130, 356-357, 360.
D’Avaugour, governor, 104, 105, 107, 133, 143, 357, 360.
Death-song, Huron, 24, 54.
De Casson, Dollier, cited, 5 n., 96 n., 98 n.
De la Galissonniere, governor, 235.
De la Jonquiere, governor, 236.
De Lanoue, fur-trade pioneer, 204.
De la Verendrye, Francois, 215, 222, 229, 230, 233.
De la Verendrye, Jean Baptiste, 197, 205, 208-209, 210, 212; murder of, by Sioux, 214.
De la Verendrye, Louis, 215, 229.
De la Verendrye, Pierre, 215, 222, 229, 230, 235, 315.
De la Verendrye, Pierre Gaultier de Varennes, leaves Montreal on search for Western Sea (1731), 194-197; at Nepigon, 201; previous career, 201-203; traverses Lake Superior to Kaministiquia, 204; Fort St. Pierre named for, 206; among the Cree Indians, 206-208; return to Quebec to raise supplies, 210; loss of eldest son in Sioux massacre, 214; explores Minnesota and Manitoba to Lake Winnipeg, 215-216; at Fort Maurepas, 217; return to Montreal with furs, 218; explores valley of the Assiniboine, 219-221; visits the Mandan Indians, 224-225; takes possession for France of the Upper Missouri, 225; superseded by De Noyelles (1746), 235; decorated with Order of Cross of St. Louis, 235; death at Montreal, 236.
De Niverville, lieutenant of Saint-Pierre, 236-237.
Denonville, Marquis of, 336, 366, 367.
De Noyelles, supersession of De la Verendrye by, 235.
De Noyon, explorations of, 204.
Dieppe, merchants of, interested in Canada trade, 352, 353.
Dionne, Dr. N. E., cited, 76 n., 88 n., 106 n., 139 n.
Dog Rib Indians, Mackenzie among, 283-284.
Dollard, fight of, against the Iroquois, 96-98, 198.
Dreuillettes, Gabriel, discoveries by, 70-71, 103, 134 n.
Drewyer, companion of Meriwether Lewis, 331.
Drugging of Indians, 63-64.
Duchesnau, M. Jacques, 149 n., 358.
Dufrost, Christopher, Sieur de la Jemmeraie, 197, 203, 205, 209, 210, 211.
Du Peron, Francois, 47.
Duplessis-Kerbodot, murder of, by Iroquois, 5 n., 19, 45.
Dupuis, Major, at Onondaga, 46, 55-66.
Dutch, arms supplied to Mohawk Indians by, 9 n.; war
of, with the
English, 137-138.
England, arrival of Radisson and Groseillers in, 137; effect of war between Holland and, on exploring propositions, 137-138; Hudson’s Bay Company organized in, 139-140; fur-trading expeditions from, 140-149. See Hudson’s Bay Company and Radisson.
Erie Indians, the, 34.
Eskimo, massacre of, by Chipewyans, 263-265.
“Far-Off-Metal River,” the, 245, 249, 252; Hearne reaches the, 262.
Feasts, Indian, 60, 62-63, 67 n.