The Story of the Great War, Volume III (of 12) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 380 pages of information about The Story of the Great War, Volume III (of 12).

The Story of the Great War, Volume III (of 12) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 380 pages of information about The Story of the Great War, Volume III (of 12).

By August 7, 1914, Admiral Jellicoe was able to guarantee a safe passage for the British army across the English Channel.  A fortunate mobilization of the British Grand Fleet in the North Sea for maneuvers shut off the German Grand Fleet from raiding the Channel.  There was nothing to criticize in the manner in which the Expeditionary Army was thrown into France.  Its equipment was ready and in all details fully worthy of German military organization.  From arms to boots—­the latter not long since a scandal of shoddy workmanship—­only the best material and skill had been accepted.  Its transport proved the genius of Lord Kitchener in that brand of military service.  The railways leading to the ports of embarkation, together with passenger steamships—­some of them familiar in American ports—­were commandeered as early as the 4th of August.

During the night of August 7, 1914, train after train filled with troops steamed toward Southampton, and some other south-coast ports.  Complements were also embarked at Dublin, Avonmouth, and the Bristol Channel.  In the middle of the night citizens of small towns along the route were awakened by the unceasing rumble of trains.  They had no conception of its import.  They did not even realize that war had actually burst upon the serenity of their peaceful lives.  Each transport vessel was placed in command of a naval officer, and guarded in its passage across the channel by light cruisers and torpedo destroyers.  The transport of the whole Expeditionary Army was completed within ten days, without the loss of a man and with a precision worthy of all military commendation.  But such secrecy was maintained that the British public remained in ignorance of its passage until successfully accomplished.  American correspondents, however, were not yet strictly censored, so that their papers published news of it on August 9.

On Sunday, August 9, 1914, two British transports were observed making for the harbor of Boulogne.  The weather was all that could be wished, the crossing resembled a bank-holiday excursion.  For some days previously the French had taken a gloomy view of British support.  But French fishermen returning from Scotland and English ports maintained confidence, for had not British fishermen told them the French would never be abandoned to fall a prey to the enemy.

When the two advance British transports steamed into view, “Les Anglais,” at last everyone cried.  At once a hugely joyful reversion of feeling.  The landing of the British soldiers was made a popular ovation.  Their appearance, soldierly bearing, their gentleness toward women and children, their care of the horses were showered with heartfelt French compliments.  Especially the Scotch Highlanders, after their cautious fashion, wondered at the exuberance of their welcome.  For the brave Irish, was not Marshal MacMahon of near-Irish descent and the first president of the Third Republic?  The Irish alone would save that republic.  Women begged for the

Project Gutenberg
The Story of the Great War, Volume III (of 12) from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.