Stamp Collecting as a Pastime eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 82 pages of information about Stamp Collecting as a Pastime.

Stamp Collecting as a Pastime eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 82 pages of information about Stamp Collecting as a Pastime.

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The Mulready Envelope and its Caricatures.

This Work is a reprint in book-form, with a few alterations and additions, of a series of papers that have appeared in “The Monthly Journal.”  The book consists of 240 pages and some 45 full-page Illustrations of the most curious varieties of these interesting Caricatures.  This New Work will be of interest, not only to Stamp Collectors, but also to those interested in Engravings—­especially in the works of LEECH, MULREADY, CRUIKSHANK, DOYLE, PHIZ (H.  K. BROWNE), THEO.  HOOK, etc. etc.  The Work has been produced in a very superior manner, and is printed on special paper with extra large margins; and by the kind permission of the Board of Inland Revenue an Illustration of the original Mulready is also included.

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No. 1.—­Strongly bound in extra cloth, gilt lettering, marbled burnished edges, &c., 6/-; post-free, 6/4; abroad, 6/8.

No. 2.—­Edition de Luxe, handsomely bound, extra gilt, hand-made paper, with uncut edges, 10/-; post-free, 10/4; abroad, 10/8.

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The “Philatelists’ Vade Mecum.”

Is an entirely New and Original Invention for enabling Collectors to Mount Stamps without handling them, and is a multum in parvo of Philatelic requisites.

It consists of a pair of broad-headed flat metal tongs, one of which is fitted with a solid wedge.  The object of this is to permit the free end of a mount held by the tong to be bent over, moistened, applied to the back of the stamp, and pressed down, and the mount can then be released, the stamp lifted, the other end of the mount moistened, and the stamp fastened thereby on the page.  In the handle is inserted a glass of high magnifying power.  On one side of the middle part is a millimetre scale (divided to half millimetres), and on the other a two-inch scale (divided to sixteenths), both accurately marked off.  The stamp can be firmly held along either scale by the tongs.  The tongs are made of solid nickel, polished, and fit into a handsome velvet-lined case, the size of which, when closed, is slightly less than 6 inches long, 1-3/4 inches wide, and only 1/2 inch thick.

PRICE, with case complete, 2/6; post-free, 2/7; abroad, 3/9.




Stamps and Stamp Collecting.


This Work is intended to fill a void which has hitherto existed in the Philatelist’s Library.  It will be found invaluable as a most useful and indeed a standard book to refer to in all cases of doubt or obscurity appertaining to Postage Stamps and their surroundings.

Project Gutenberg
Stamp Collecting as a Pastime from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.