8. Don’t be any more careless with fire in the woods than you are with fire in your own home.
9. Don’t be idle when you discover a fire in the woods; if you can’t put it out yourself, get help. Where a forest guard, ranger or state fire warden can be reached, call him up on the nearest telephone you can find.
10. Don’t forget that human thoughtlessness and negligence are the causes of more than half of the forest fires in this country, and that the smallest spark may start a conflagration that will result in loss of life and destruction of timber and young growth valuable not only for lumber but for their influence in helping to prevent flood, erosion, and drought.—U.S. Dept. Agri., Forest Service.
Award of Premiums, Annual Meeting, 1915, Minnesota State Horticultural Society.
The list of awards following will give in full detail the awards made in connection with the fruit exhibit:
Carrots Chas. Krause, Merriam Park
Second 2.00
Celeriac " "
Third 1.00
Cabbage J. T. Olinger, Hopkins
Second 2.00
Carrots " "
Third 1.00
Onions (red) " "
Second 2.00
Onions (yellow) " "
Fourth .50
Celeriac Daniel Gantzer, Merriam Park
First 3.50
Lettuce " "
Third 1.00
Onions (red) " "
Third 1.00
Onions (white) " "
Fourth .50
Onions (yellow) " "
Second 2.00
Onions (pklg) " "
Second 2.00
Beets Karl Kochendorfer, So. Park
Third 1.00
Carrots C. E. Warner, Osseo
First 3.50
Onions (white) " "
First 3.50
Beets Mrs. John Gantzer. St. Paul
First 3.50
Cabbages " "
Fourth .50
Onions (red) " "
First 3.50
Onions (yellow) " "
First 3.50
Beets Mrs. Edw. Haeg, Minneapolis
Second 2.00
Cabbages " "
Third 1.00
Celeriac " "
Second 2.00
Carrots Alfred Perkins, St. Paul
Fourth .50
Lettuce " "
First 3.50
Onions (red) " "
Fourth .50
Onions (white) " "
First 3.50
Onions (yellow) " "
Third 1.00
Onions (white) H. G. Groat, Anoka
Second 2.00