Mr. Benjamin was well known by the members of this society who have attended its annual meetings within the last ten or fifteen years. During this period he has been an active member of the society, often serving on the program or in some other way as opportunity came to him. He was one of the most loyal members of the association, practicing what he preached, and doing all within his power to extend the usefulness of the society. I had a close personal acquaintance with Mr. Benjamin and the highest respect for his character and attainments. As a comparatively young man we anticipated his presence with us for a long period of time, but in this we are sadly disappointed. His wife in a recent letter says, “One of his greatest pleasures was cultivating and taking care of the flowers which surrounded his home. After a hard day’s work in the field, he would labor with his flowers and shrubbery until far into the night. He enjoyed taking or sending flowers to the sick, and many bouquets of his choicest blossoms he gave his friends as they drove past or called to admire his beautiful grounds.” In this spirit Mr. Benjamin labored to reach others and widen the wholesome influence of his life.—Sec’y.
Our Semi-Centennial Anniversary
Minnesota State Horticultural Society,
To be held in the West Hotel, Minneapolis, December 5, 6, 7, 8, 1916.
A Great Program.
Study this program carefully and select such features as you especially desire to participate in—but you are more than welcome to all.
Discussion follows each topic.
Discussions are “free for all,” whether members or not. Ask questions or express opinions freely.
These demonstrations will be given between 1:00 and 1:45 each day of the meeting in rooms adjoining the hall in which the meeting is held. They will be conducted by those whose names are here given, both of whom are connected with the Horticultural Department at University Farm.
Grafting, Fred Haralson, Hort. Foreman. Pruning, Frank Daniels, Instructor In Hort.
All participants on this program are limited to fifteen minutes except where a longer period is specifically mentioned.
Time for discussion is allowed after each number.
The Minnesota State Bee-Keepers’ Society will hold its annual meeting in the “Moorish Room,” West Hotel, Minneapolis, on Tuesday and Wednesday, Dec. 5 and 6, 1916. Program can be had of L. V. France, University Farm, St. Paul.
NOTICE.—A bell will be rung five minutes before the exercises begin in the Audience Room.
Persons entering the audience room when any one is addressing the meeting from the platform are requested to take seats in the rear of the room, going forward only after the speaker has concluded—and thus avoid much confusion.