The Path of Duty, and Other Stories eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 310 pages of information about The Path of Duty, and Other Stories.

The Path of Duty, and Other Stories eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 310 pages of information about The Path of Duty, and Other Stories.
to you the cause of Willie’s absence.  You doubtless remember Clara Roscom who was a former pupil of yours.  After you left Philadelphia, she completed her education at a distant boarding school, and soon after her return home I engaged her as governess in my family.  We soon learned to love and respect Miss Roscom, on account of her many excellent qualities, and we treated her very kindly.  She left us to attend to her mother during the illness which terminated in her death, and after that event she again returned to us.  But, to tell you all in a few words, Willie fell in love with her, and asked her to become his wife.  When I first learned the fact I suppose I made use of some rather strong language to Miss Roscom, so much so that she left my house that very night.  She remained for a short time with a Mrs. Burnside, who resides in the city and then left Philadelphia, and we have never since been able to gain any knowledge of her residence.  If Mrs. Burnside knows anything of her she gives no information upon the subject.  I have no doubt that she is governed by Miss Roscom’s direction, for she possessed a proud spirit.  I regret some things I said to her, but the thought of Willie, our pride, uniting himself by marriage to our governess put me almost beside myself with indignation.  But Willie was so blinded by his love for her that all considerations of family or wealth were as nothing to him.  When he learned that Miss Roscom had left the city, and he found himself unable to learn anything of her, he became embittered towards us all.  He soon after declared his intention of returning to England; but what grieves me most of all is, that he will hold no correspondence with us since leaving home.  He has now been ten months absent.  We have written to him again and again, but have received no reply.’  As she concluded, Mrs. Leighton burst into a flood of tears, which, for some time, she was unable to check.  You may believe me, Clara, when I tell you that you are happier today, while attending to the duties of your school, than is Mrs. Leighton, in her luxurious home.”

Such was, in substance, the information which Mrs. Harringford’s letter afforded me.  I almost regretted having sought the information, for it made me very unhappy.  It grieved me much to learn that Willie was self-exiled from his home and friends.



The fifteenth of September found me again installed in my position as teacher in my school at Mill Town.  I still continued to board in the family of Parson Northwood.  I retained all my former pupils, with the addition of several new ones.

Project Gutenberg
The Path of Duty, and Other Stories from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.