Yorksher Puddin' eBook

John Hartley (poet)
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 459 pages of information about Yorksher Puddin'.

Yorksher Puddin' eBook

John Hartley (poet)
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 459 pages of information about Yorksher Puddin'.

“Tha’rt too perticlar bi hauf.  Tha allus luks at th’ black side o’ ivverything.  Tha may depend on’t awr Emma knows what shoo’s dooin’, an’ tha’d far better leave ’em to feight it aght thersen if ther’s owt wrang, for tha knows it nivver does to interfere between man an’ wife, tha tell’d me that monny a year sin’ when mi mother sed a word to thee.”

“Eea, but that wor a varry different matter, for thi mother knew tha’d getten a wife wi’ a deeal moor sense nor thee, an’ a deeal moor feelin’ too, for aw believe tha cares noa moor for yond lass o’ thine nor if shoo wor nowt related to thi’:  but aw’m different, an’ if that gooid-fer-nowt ’at shoo’s thrown hersen away on, doesn’t treat her as he owt to do, aw’l mak this taan too hot for him, or my’ name isn’t Angelina!”

“Why, lass, tha can do as tha likes, but aw think tha’ll find it best to let ’em manage ther own affairs, an’ aw dooan’t suppooas awr Emma ’ll get throo this life withaat a bit o’ trubble nah an’ then same as other fowk.  Aw’m sewer aw connot; an’ shoo’s noa better nor me.”

“Isn’t shoo?  But if aw thowt shoo worn’t, aw’d nivver own her as one o’ mine!  But aw’d like to know what trubble tha’s ivver had except what tha’s browt o’ thisen wi’ thi own contraryness an’ fooilishness?  If ivver ther wor a chap ‘at went throo’ this world wi’ silver slippers it’s thee, for tha’s ivverything done to thi hand, an’ aw’ve been a slave to thee ever sin aw gat thee, an’ nivver had ony thanks for it nawther; but aw dooan’t want awr Emma to be trampled into th’ earth as aw’ve been, an’ shoo shalln’t be, if aw know on it, for aw’l fotch her back hooam an’ sharply too.”

“Aw tell thi tha can do just as tha’s a mind, an’ aw’m sewer aw didn’t know tha had been trampled on, for tha’s been booath maister and mistress i’ this shop ivver sin aw knew thi.”

“Eea an’ aw meean to be booath maister an’ mistress, an’ if tha’d a heart i’ thi belly as big as a beean tha wodn’t sit daan quietly as tha does, when tha hears ‘at one o’ thi own flesh an’ blooid is pining away.”

“Aw didn’t know shoo wor pining away, for aw’m sewwer shoo’s gettin’ as fat as a pig, an’ aw think it’ll be time enuff to interfere when shoo grummels hersen.”

“Tha tawks like a fooil, Isaac, an’ aw’ve tell’d thi so over an’ over agean.  Tha knows shoo isn’t like thee, at cries aght befoar tha’rt hurt, but aw’l waste noa moor wind o’ thee for aw’l put on mi bonnet an’ shawl an’ goa up to their haase this minit, an’ see if aw can’t find aght what’s to do, an’ try to put things into a reight shap’.”  Soa shoo put on her things an’ leavin’ Isaac to luk after th’ stew ‘at wor i’ th’ oven, shoo sailed off in a famous flurry to have a tawk wi’ Emma.  It wor’nt monny minits walk, an’ as shoo put th’ speed on shoo managed to get thear befoar her temper cooiled, an’ oppenin’ th’ door shoo stept in an’ sed, “Nah, Emma, lass, aw’ve come to see ha’ tha art this mornin’?”

Project Gutenberg
Yorksher Puddin' from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.