‘Ger aght oth gate,’ he sed, ‘aw care nowt abaat hurtin’ it! Awl stir it, or else awl rive it’s legs off!’ an he shov’d his arm up, an daan it coom an browt all th’ sooit wi it, an flapt it into us faces wol we wor ommost smoored.
Aw seized hoid oth burd an made th’ best o’ my way aghtside, an as sooin as aw showed mi face ther wor a reglar yell, an they all squandered to let me pass. Th’ chaps had getten pooakers an tangs, an th’ wimmen wor armed wi umbrellas an tooastin forks, an then aw turned raand an axed ’em whot ther wor to do. Just then Sam an his dowter coom aght, an when they saw me ommost undrest, wi mi face grimed wi sooit an mi heead whitened wi mail, an Sam an his lass lukkin varry little better, it set some oth chaps laffin, an aw went inside an festened th’ door, an puffin’ an blowin’ like a brokken-winded horse, aw sat daan convinced ‘at that chap wor reight when he sed aw knew nowt abaat th’ hen trade.
But th’ noise aghtslde gate laader, an th’ wimmen’s voices wor raised to th’ screamin’ pitch, soa aw ventured to luk aght, an’ thear wor poor Dorothy ith middle ov a duzzen wimmen ’at wor shakkin ther umbrellas an tooastin forks ovver her heead, wol one on em wor holdin’ up mi Sundy shirt, an other two wor tryin’ to divide mi breeches between ’em, an ther wor sich a hullaballoo as yo nivver heeard. ’Tha’s war nor him bi th’ hawf!’ sed one. ’What business as shoo wi his dooas under her arm, aw should like to know. It’s a disgrace to ivvery woman ith fold, that’s what it is!’ sed another; an aw began to see ‘at that cock had been th’ meeans o’ gettin’ her into trouble as well as me.
Aw thowt th’ best thing aw could do wor to leeave ’em to settle it amang thersen, soa aw went an gate weshed an donned, an it seems bi th’ time aw wor ready to goa aght they’d managed to get hold oth reight end oth tale, an aw wor met wi a shaat o’ laffin throo th’ men, an even th’ wimmen smiled, tho’ some on ’em shook ther heeads in a mysterious sooart ov a way, as mich as to gie me to understand ’at they’d let me off that once, but if awd onny desire to keep ther gooid opinion awd better net get into another scrape oth same sooart. Aw knew they threw a gooid deal o’ blame onto poor Dorothy, an aw wor varry sooary it wor soa, for shoo wor a nice quiet young woman, an tewed hard to keep hersen respectable, an noabdy hed a word to say agean her, nobbut shoo kept a tom-cat ’at worn’t partiklar whooas dish he put his nooas in.
Aw nivver went near them hens agean wol Mundy mornin’. Aw knew they wor in a land flowing wi broth an breead, but ther wor noa fear on me forgettin’ ’em, for that cock crowed wol he wor hooarse. Ther wornt one chap i’ that fold ‘at worn’t up i’ time for his wark o’ Mundy mornin’, an as for misen awd hardly a wink o’ sleep all th’ neet.
Aw wor foorced to stop in all th’ day o’ Sundy, becoss o’ mi clooas bein’ at Dorothy’s, an when Mundy coom aw went daan ith cellar an cut’ em all their heeads off, an detarmined to cook ’em all three an invite th’ wimmen to ther drinkin’, an see if aw couldn’t mak things pleasant ageean. Aw saw a nay bar hingin’ up some clooas, soa aw tell’d her what aw intended to do, an awd noa need to mention it to onnybody else, for th’ news hed flown to ivvery haase i’ less nor five minnits.