The Crucifixion of Philip Strong eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 246 pages of information about The Crucifixion of Philip Strong.

The Crucifixion of Philip Strong eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 246 pages of information about The Crucifixion of Philip Strong.

The man to whom the question was put made the usual excuses, that if he did not rent to these people, other men would, that there was no call for the property by other parties, and if it were not rented to objectionable people it would lie empty at a dead loss, and so forth.  To all of which Philip opposed the plain will of God, that all a man has should be used in clean and honest ways, and He could never sanction the getting of money through such immoral channels.  The man was finally induced to acknowledge that it was not just the right thing to do, and especially for a church-member.  But, when Philip pressed him to give up the whole iniquitous revenue, and clear himself of all connection with it, the property owner looked aghast.

“Why, Mr. Strong, do you know what you ask?  Two-thirds of the most regular part of my income is derived from these rents.  It is out of the question for me to give them up.  You are too nice in the matter.  All the property owners in Milton do the same thing.  There isn’t a man of any means in the church who isn’t deriving some revenue from this source.  Why, a large part of your salary is paid from these very rents.  You will get into trouble if you try to meddle in this matter.  I don’t take offense.  I think you have done your duty.  And I confess it doesn’t seem exactly the thing.  But, as society is organized, I don’t see as we can change the matter.  Better not try to do anything about it, Mr. Strong.  The church likes you, and will stand by in giving you a handsome support; but men are very touchy when their private business is meddled with.”

Philip sat listening to this speech, and his face grew whiter and he clenched his hands tighter as the man went on.  When he had finished, Philip spoke in a low voice: 

“Mr. Bentley, you do not know me, if you think any fear of the consequences will prevent my speaking to the members of my church on any matter where it seems to me I ought to speak.  In this particular matter, I believe it is not only my right, but my duty to speak.  I would be shamed before my Lord and Master if I did not declare His will in regard to the uses of property.  This question passes over from one of private business, with which I have no right to meddle, into the domain of public safety, where I have a right to demand that places which are fatal to the life and morals of the young men and women of the town, shall not be encouraged and allowed to subsist through the use of property owned and controlled by men of influence in the community, and especially by the members of Christ’s body.  My brother,” Philip went on, after a painful pause, “before God, in whose presence we shall stand at last, am I not right in my view of this matter?  Would not Christ say to you just what I am now saying?”

Project Gutenberg
The Crucifixion of Philip Strong from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.