The Heavenly Father eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 285 pages of information about The Heavenly Father.

The Heavenly Father eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 285 pages of information about The Heavenly Father.

The monotheism of the moderns does not proceed historically from paganism; it was prepared by the ancient philosophy, without being produced by it.  Whence comes it then?  On this head there exists no serious difference of opinion.  Our knowledge of God is the result of a traditional idea, handed down from generation to generation in a well-defined current of history.  Much obscurity still rests upon man’s earliest religious history, but the truth which I am pointing out to you is solidly and clearly established.  Pass, in thought, over the terrestrial globe.  All the superstitions of which history preserves the remembrance are practised at this day, either in Asia or in Africa, or in the isles of the Ocean.  The most ridiculous and ferocious rites are practised still in the light of the same sun which gilds, as he sets, the spires and domes of our churches.  At this very day, there are nations upon the earth which prostrate themselves before animals, or which adore sacred trees.  At this very day, perhaps at this hour in which I am addressing you, human victims are bound by the priests of idols; before you have left this room, their blood will have defiled the altars of false deities.  At this very day, numerous nations, which have neither wanted time for self-development, nor any of the resources of civilization, nor clever poets, nor profound philosophers, belong to the religion of the Brahmins, or are instructed in the legends which serve as a mask to the pernicious doctrines of Buddha.  Where do we meet with the clear idea of the Creator?  In a unique tradition which proceeds from the Jews, which Christians have diffused, and which Mahomet corrupted.  God is known, with that solid and general knowledge which founds a settled doctrine and a form of worship, under the influence of this tradition and nowhere else.  We assert this as a simple fact of contemporary history; and there is scarcely any fact in history better established.

The light comes to us from the Gospel.  This light did not appear as a sudden and absolutely new illumination.  It had cast pale gleams on the soul of the heathen in their search after the unknown God; it had shone apart upon that strange and glorious people which bears the name of Israel.  Israel had preserved the primitive light encompassed by temporary safe-guards.  It was the flame of a lamp, too feeble to live in the open air, and which remained shut up in a vase, until the moment when it should have become strong enough to shine forth from its shattered envelope upon the world.  The worship of Jehovah is a local worship; but this worship, localized for a time, is addressed to the only and sovereign God.  To every nation which says to Israel as Athaliah to Joash: 

     I have my God to serve—­serve thou thine own,[14]

Israel replies with Joash: 

     Nay, Madam, but my God is God alone;
     Him must thou fear:  thy God is nought—­a dream![15]

Project Gutenberg
The Heavenly Father from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.