[For a moment he stands and there comes to him the sound of laughter and retreating footsteps, and a gay lilt from Francois fiddle. As the sound grows fainter and fainter he crosses resolutely to the hearth, tosses on a cone or two, places the shovel where it will be within easy reach, and stretches himself on the floor before the fire.
From outside a sudden gust of wind brings clearly a last snatch of the air that Francois is playing in the distance. Lincoln raises his bead and listens, smiles whimsically to himself, and then opens his books.
And now for the husking!
[He lies full length, absorbedly studying in the fire-glow as the curtain falls.
COSTUMES ABRAHAM LINCOLN. Blue flannel shirt. Faded black knee-breeches and much-worn coat. Tall boots which he wears for out-of-doors, and changes for old slippers.
POLLY. A brown woolen dress and scarlet cloak. Hair worn in quaint fashion with combs.
NANCY LINCOLN. Dark-scarlet woolen dress, and brown cloak. All the dresses of the girls are of the simplest. Their cloaks likewise.
AMY ROBY. Deep-blue woolen dress. Little white apron with pockets. Dark-blue cloak with hood.
LUCY BROWN. Dark-green woolen dress and cloak.
TOM BUSH. Dark-brown flannel shirt. Dark-blue knee-breeches.
JASON BROWN. Faded red flannel shirt. Dark-blue knee-breeches.
FRANCOIS DURAND. Tan-colored flannel shirt.
Dark-brown knee-breeches.
Crimson sash-belt.
NOCTAH. The usual Indian costume of buckskin. Fringed tunic. Long trousers. Moccasins, or imitation moccasins of khaki. (The suit should be of khaki also—the nearest imitation of buckskin.) He should wear a wig of long, coarse black hair. If this wig cannot be had, simulate it thus: make a tight-fitting skull-cap of black cheesecloth. Stitch it where the parting in the hair should come. Make two braids of plaited black cheesecloth, and fasten them to the skullcap so that they will fall over the ears. They should be bound with a few wisps of red and green. Noctah wears neither war-paint nor feathers, but his face and hands should be stained brown.
While an outdoor stage is by far the best setting for a pageant there are times and seasons when such a setting is not obtainable, and the indoor pageant becomes advisable. And while no number of footlights can hope to give the actual radiance of sunlight and blue sky, the indoor pageant has several assets in its favor. It lends itself to such festivals as Lincoln’s and Washington’s birthdays, and its performers need have no fear of rain. Its dancers are sure of a level space. Its woodland scenes can be arranged to suit the occasion, and the enhancing effects of fire-glow, sunrise, or dimming twilight can be obtained as in no other way.