I hope I shall receive your approbation of what I have done for your service, and your indulgence for the length of this narrative, which I could not comprise within a narrower compass.
I have the honor to be, Honorable Sirs,
Your most faithful, obedient,
and humble servant,
B. No. 2.
An Account of Money paid into the Company’s Treasury by the Governor-General, since the Year 1773.
May April CRs. | CRs. | 1774 to 1775. For interest bonds 2,175[58]| For bills of exchange on the | Court 1,43,937 | For money refunded by | order of Court, account | General Coote’s commission 8,418 | -------- | 1,54,530 | | 1775-1776. For bills of exchange on the Court | 1,80,480 1776-1777. Do. do. do. | 1,96,800 1777-1778. Do. do. do. | 1,08,000 1778-1779. Do. do. do. | 1,43,000 1779-1780. Do. do. do. | 1,21,600 1780-1781. For bills of exchange 43,000 | For deposits 2,38,715 | For interest bonds, at 8 per | cent 4,75,600 | For do. 4 per | cent 1,66,000 | For Durbar charges 2,32,000 | -------- | 11,55,315 May, 1782. For interest bonds | 35,000 | --------- | 20,94,725 (Errors excepted.)
Auditor of Indian Accounts.
B. No. 3.
To the Honorable the Secret Committee of the Honorable
Court of
FORT WILLIAM, 22d May, 1782.
In a letter which I have had the honor to address you in duplicate, and of which a triplicate accompanies this, dated 20th January, 1782, I informed you that I had received the offer of a sum of money from the Nabob Vizier and his ministers to the nominal amount of ten lacs of Lucknow siccas, and that bills on the house of Gopaul Doss had been actually given me for the amount, which I had accepted for the use of the Honorable Company; and I promised to account with you for the same as soon as it should be in my power, after the whole sum had come into my possession. This promise I now perform; and deeming it consistent with the spirit of it, I have added such other sums as have been occasionally converted to the Company’s property through my means, and in consequence of the like original destination. Of the second of these you have been already advised in a letter which I had the honor to address the Honorable Court of Directors, dated 29th November, 1780. Both this and the third article were paid immediately to the Treasury, by my order to the sub-treasurer to receive them on the Company’s account, but never passed through my hands. The three sums for which bonds were granted were in like manner paid to the Company’s Treasury without passing through my hands; but their appropriation was not specified. The sum of 58,000 current rupees was received while I was on my journey to Benares, and applied as expressed in the account.