In the World War eBook

Ottokar Graf Czernin
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 465 pages of information about In the World War.

In the World War eBook

Ottokar Graf Czernin
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 465 pages of information about In the World War.
  espionage in, 97
  freedom of the Press in, 84
  Germany and, 262, 267
  her treachery to Central Powers, 262
  how news of Sarajevo tragedy was received in, 86
  Marghiloman forms a Cabinet, 266
  negotiations for peace, 318
  out of action, 23
  peace concluded with, 323
  question of annexations of, 159, 207
  question of her neutrality, 12, 95
  Russian gold in, 111
  social conditions in, 85
  ultimatum to, 12, 262
  why she entered the war, 3

Roumanian invasion of Transylvania, 108

Roumanians, mistaken views of strength of, 261
  their love of travel, 85

Rudolf, Crown Prince, and Franz Ferdinand, 37

Russia, a contemplated peace with, 211
  abdication of the Tsar, 142
  an appeal to German soldiers, 249
  begins military operations without a declaration of war, 3
  Bolshevism in, 211, 216, 229
  declares for cessation of hostilities, 318
  differences of opinion in, as to continuance of war, 211 et seq.
  enters the war, 7
  Francis Joseph’s inquiry as to a possible revolution in, 105
  her responsibility for Great War, 10
  incites German army to revolt, 317
  negotiations for peace, 298
  out of action, 23
  peace treaty signed, 318
  prepared for war, 112
  the military party in, 2, 9
  ultimatum to Roumania, 262

Russian Revolution, the, 142, 147, 211 et seq.

Russians, their fear of Trotski, 237

Ruthenian districts of Hungary, Ukrainian demands, 242


Sacharow, General, murder of, 220

St. Mihiel, author at, 73

St. Privat, reminiscences of, 74

Salzburg negotiations, the, 210

Sarajevo, the tragedy of, 6, 49
  sounds death knell of the Monarchy, 32

Sassonoff, a momentous statement by, 88
  attitude of, after declaration of war, 8
  visits Bucharest, 112

Satonski, Wladimir Petrowitch, 302

Schachrai, W.M., at Brest, 301

Schonburg, Alvis, and the Emperor Charles, 61

Schoenerer, Deputy, Franz Ferdinand and, 50

Secret diplomacy, abolition of:  author’s views, 306-7

Sedan, a house with a history at, 74

Seidler, Dr. von, a faux pas by, 56
  and the food shortage, 240
  and the partition of Galicia, 209
  and the Ukrainian question, 208, 242, 243
  apathetic attitude of, 238, 239
  author’s meeting with, 230
  visits South Slav provinces, 59

Seitz, and the Stockholm Conference, 168

Serbia, arrogance of, 6
  ultimatum to, 7

Sewrjuk, M., 240

Sixtus, Prince, letters from Emperor Charles to, 164

Skobeleff and the Mensheviks, 211

Skrzynski, Herr von, 250

Slapowszky, Johann, tragic death of, 89

Slav provinces, a visit by the Emperor to, 59

Project Gutenberg
In the World War from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.