In the World War eBook

Ottokar Graf Czernin
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 465 pages of information about In the World War.

In the World War eBook

Ottokar Graf Czernin
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 465 pages of information about In the World War.

London, Pact of, 20, 170, 172, 179, 328
  desired amendments to, 146
  text of, 21, 275 et seq.

Lublin, German demand for evacuation of, 204, 205, 206

Luck episode, the, 22, 106
  Archduke Joseph Ferdinand and, 61

Ludendorff and Belgium, 186
  and the Polish question, 207
  candid admission by, 247
  compared with enemy statesmen, 19
  confident of success of U-boat warfare, 126
  congratulates Hoffmann, 237
  displays “a gleam of insight”, 230
  dominating influence of, 79, 115, 126
  German hero-worship of, 17
  his independent nature, 60
  how he captured Liege, 22
  personality of, 331

Lueger and Franz Ferdinand, 50

Luxembourg, German invasion of, 16


Mackensen, a fleet of Zeppelins at Bucharest, 101
  failure at Maracesci, 261
  headquarters at Bucharest, 105

Magyars, the, and Franz Ferdinand, 38, 50
  author and, 78

Majorescu and Austria’s policy, 330
  and territorial concessions, 97, 206
  forms a Ministry, 81

Mandazescu, arrest and extradition of, 89

Maracesci, attack on, 261

Marghiloman and co-operation of Roumania, 106
  forms a Cabinet, 266, 320

Marie, Queen of Roumania, English sympathies of, 98, 99

Marne, the, first battle of, 17

Martow and the Menshevik party, 211

Martynoz, and the Russian Internationalists, 211

Medwjedew, J.G., Ukrainian delegate to Brest, 301

Mennsdorff, Ambassador, interviews General Smuts, 169

Menshevik party, the, 211

Meran, the Entente’s proposals regarding, 170, 173

Merchant vessels, arming of, author on, 285

Merey meets Czernin at Brest, 219

Michaelis, Dr., appointed Imperial Chancellor, 156
  defines Germany’s views regarding Belgium, 157
  on peace proposals, 157
  Pan-Germanism of, 160

“Might before Right,” Bismarckian principle of, 15

Miklossy, Bishop Stephan, marvellous escape of, 89

Militarism, German faith in, 17
  England’s idea of German, 166

Monarchists v. Republicans, 52

Monarchs, hypnotic complacency of, 58 et seq.

Moutet, attitude of, at French Socialist conference, 214


Nationality, problem of, 190
  Franz Ferdinand and, 191

Naval disarmament, negotiations on, 4

Nicholas, Grand Duke, and the military party in Russia, 2

Nicolai, Tsar, Joffe on, 227

North Sea, the, blockade of, 280

Noxious gas, why used by Germany, 16


Odessa, in danger of a food crisis, 252

Orlando confers with Ribot and Lloyd George, 164

Otto, Archduke, brother of Franz Ferdinand, 36


Pallavicini, Markgraf, discusses the political situation with author, 5

Project Gutenberg
In the World War from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.