In the World War eBook

Ottokar Graf Czernin
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 465 pages of information about In the World War.

In the World War eBook

Ottokar Graf Czernin
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 465 pages of information about In the World War.

International law, Germany’s breach of, in adoption of U-boat
  warfare, 280, 281

Internationalists, Russian, 211

Ischl, an audience with Emperor Francis Joseph at, 12

Iswolsky, 11

Italy, Allied defeat in, 183
  and Albania, 6
  and the Peace of Versailles, 272
  Czernin on, 308
  declares a blockade, 281
  points submitted to London Conference, 275
  stands in way of a peace of understanding, 188
  ultimatum to, 12
  why she entered the war, 3


Jaczkovics, Vicar Michael, tragic death of, 89

Jagow, Herr von, a frank disclosure by, 14

Joffe, Herr, a circular letter to Allies, 300
  conversation with, at Brest, 220
  criticisms on the Tsar, 227

Jonescu, Take, and the Sarajevo tragedy, 86

Joseph Ferdinand, Archduke, 22
  appointed Chief of Air Force, 62
  reinstatement of, 61
  relinquishes his command, 62
  the Luck episode, 61


Kameneff at Brest, 220, 316

Karachou, Leo, secretary of Peace Delegation, 303

Karl, Emperor, peace proposals to the Entente, 20

Karl of Schwarzenberg, Prince, Franz Ferdinand and, 39, 40

Karolyi and Roumanian peace negotiations, 260
  his attitude before the Roumanian declaration of war, 28

Kerenski and the offensive against Central Powers, 211
  newspaper report of condition of his health, 212

Kiderlen-Waechter, a satirical remark by, 63

Kieff, a mission to, 251
  entered by Bolsheviks, 248, 249
  in danger of a food crisis, 252
  peace conditions at, 208

Kieff Committee and the Bolsheviks, 245

Kiel Week, the, 62

Kienthaler (Internationalists), 211

Konopischt and its history, 34 et seq.

Kreuznach, a conference at, 145

Kriegen, Dr. Bogdan, a fulsome work by, 64

Kuehlmann, Dr., and the food shortage, 238, 239
  author’s talk with, 222
  difficult position of, 313
  high words with Hoffman, 235
  his influence, 198, 199
  informed of Roumanian peace overtures, 260
  on the Kaiser, 228
  returns to Brest, 230


Lamezan, Captain Baron, at Brest-Litovsk, 233

Landwehr, General, and the food shortage, 238, 240

Lansdowne, Lord, conciliatory attitude of, 184

Larin and Menshevik Socialists, 211

League of Nations, the, 308

Lenin, author on, 216
  opposed to offensive against Central Powers, 211

Leopold of Bavaria, Prince, a day’s shooting with, 231
  chats with author, 219

Lewicky, M., 240

Lichnowsky interviews Sir Edward Grey, 7

Liege taken by Ludendorff, 22

Lithuania, Germany and, 249

Livonia demanded by Germany, 249, 317

London, Declaration of, discarded by England, 280

Project Gutenberg
In the World War from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.