In the World War eBook

Ottokar Graf Czernin
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 465 pages of information about In the World War.

In the World War eBook

Ottokar Graf Czernin
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 465 pages of information about In the World War.

Goluchowski, Count, vacillation of, 36

Goerlitz, battle of, 96, 107, 329

Gratz, Dr., a good suggestion by, 248
  author’s discussion with, 219
  on Austro-Polish solution of Polish question, 244

Great-Roumania, question of, 80

Great War, the, psychology of various cities, 197
  (See World War)

Grey, Sir Edward, an interview with Lichnowsky, 7
  at London Conference, 275
  proposes negotiations, 8


Habsburgs, Empire of, the Treaty of London and, 21, 29, 33

Hadik, apathetic attitude of, 238

Hague Convention, the, 280

Haus, Admiral, favours submarine warfare, 334
  in Vienna, 121

Hauser, and the question of separate peace, 230

Hebel, appointment for, 154

Helfferich, Dr., disclosures by, 161 (note)
  on attitude of William II. during Balkan troubles, 68
  speech on submarine warfare, 151, 288 et seq.

Henry of Prussia, Prince, a telegram
     from King George to, 9

Hertling, Count, advised to suppress “Der Kaiser im Felde,” 64
  becomes Imperial Chancellor, 198
  President Wilson on, 193
  succeeds Michaelis, 161

Herzegovina as compensation to Austria, 207

Hindenburg, Field-Marshal, modesty of, 126
  popularity of, in Germany, 17

Hoffmann, General, an unfortunate speech by, 237
  and plans for outer provinces, 226
  high words with Kuehlmann, 235
  received by the Kaiser, 230
  receives a telegram from Petersburg, 229
  visited by author, 219

Hohenberg, Duchess of, 41
  welcomed in Roumania, 79

Hohendorf, General Conrad von, and his responsibility for
  the war, 18 (note)

Hohenlohe, Prince, and settlement of Wedel’s request, 127
  free speech with William II., 65
  report on U-boat campaign, 116, 126

Holtzendorff, Admiral, and submarine campaign, 149
  arrives in Vienna, 121
  guarantees results of U-boat campaign, 122, 334

Hungarian Ruthenians, Wekerle on, 243
  Social Democrats, 168

Hungary and cession of her territory, 106
  and Roumanian intervention, 77, 106, 107
  and the alliance with Roumania, 77 et seq.
  demands of, at Bucharest, 319
  frontier rectification question, 258, 266, 319, 330
  her influence on the war, 138
  indignation in, at author’s appointment to Bucharest, 77
  “just punishment” of, 97
  opposes economical alliance with Roumania, 266, 320
  question of a separate peace, 27
  repellent attitude of, 107
  struggle for liberty in, 202
  why her army was neglected, 22


Imperiali, Marchese, points submitted to London Conference by, 275

International arbitration (see Arbitration)

International disarmament, 171, 176, 177

Project Gutenberg
In the World War from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.