In the World War eBook

Ottokar Graf Czernin
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 465 pages of information about In the World War.

In the World War eBook

Ottokar Graf Czernin
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 465 pages of information about In the World War.
  demands abolition of German militarism, 165, 170, 171, 173
  desire of final military victory, 164
  exterminates Prussian militarism, 273
  impression on, of author’s speech at Budapest, 178
  mine-laying by, 130
  peace proposals to, 19, 20
  rejects first peace offer, 115
  suspicious of Germany’s plans, 3
  their “unbending resolve” to shatter Germany, 31, 326
  views as to peace, 170

Enver Pasha, his influence in Turkey, 233, 269

Erzberger, Herr, agrees with “Czernin scheme”, 185, 333
  and author’s secret report to the Emperor, 155 (note)

Espionage in Roumania, 97

Esterhazy succeeds Tisza, 136

Esthonia demanded by Germany, 249, 317

Eugen, Archduke, 22

Europe after the war, 175

European tension, beginnings of, 1


Fasciotti, Baron, and Austro-Hungarian action in Belgrade, 12

Fellowes, Sir Ailwyn, admits success of U-boats, 295

Ferdinand, King of Roumania, author’s interview with, 264
  German opinion of, 260
  Queen Elizabeth’s fondness for, 93

Ferdinand of Bulgaria, King, anti-Serbian policy of, 51

Filippescu, Nikolai, a proposal by, 80

Fleck, Major, at Nordbahnhof, 219

Flotow, Baron, interview with Hohenlohe, 117
  reports on German attitude on U-boat warfare, 118

Fourteen Points, Wilson’s, 190 et seq., 271, 305, 306, 323 et seq.

France, and Austria:  effect of Vienna troubles, 250
  Bethmann’s tribute to, 153
  distrust of Germany’s intentions in, 185
  insists on restoration of Alsace-Lorraine, 170
  opening of war a surprise to, 2
  the Pacifist party in, 167

Francis Joseph, Emperor, a tribute to, 47
  advised to accept negotiations, 8
  and Franz Ferdinand, 42, 46
  and the principle of ministerial responsibility, 56
  author’s audience with, 12
  death of, 48
  gives audience to author, 47
  King Edward VII. and, 1, 2
  on the Peace of Bucharest, 6
  opposes Filippescu’s scheme, 81

Franz Ferdinand, Archduke, a fortune-teller’s prediction concerning, 44
  anti-Magyar point of view of, 38, 50
  antipathy to Hungary, 35, 37, 38
  as gardener, 35
  as husband and father, 44, 45
  dislike for the Germans of, 50
  false rumours concerning, 43
  fearlessness of, 45
  friendships of, 39
  Goluchowski and, 36
  Great-Austrian programme of, 41, 49
  his high opinion of Pallavicini, 5
  his sense of humour, 41
  makes advances to the Kaiser, 42
  marriage of, 41, 44
  mentality of, 35
  personality of, 34
  pro-Roumanian proclivities of, 77, 78, 79
  tragic end of, 49 (see also Sarajevo tragedy)
  views on foreign policy of, 51

Freedom of the seas, 177
  attacked by Entente, 280, 281
  neutrals and, 284
  President Wilson on, 281, 307

Project Gutenberg
In the World War from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.