In the World War eBook

Ottokar Graf Czernin
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 465 pages of information about In the World War.

In the World War eBook

Ottokar Graf Czernin
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 465 pages of information about In the World War.
  sets interned prisoners at liberty, 95, 96
  speech to Austrian Delegation, 298 et seq.
  threatens a separate peace with Russia, 228
  unfounded charges against, 162
  urges sacrifice of Alsace-Lorraine, 71
  William II.’s gift to, 64
  with Emperor Charles visits Eastern front, 57


Danube Monarchy, the, a vital condition for existence of
  Hungarian State, 202
  dangers of a political structure for, 202

Debruzin, sensational crime at, 88

Declaration of London, the, 280

D’Esperey, General Franchet, and Karolyi, 260

Deutsch, Leo, and the Marxian Social Democrats, 211

Devonport, Lord, on the food question, 296

Disarmament, negotiations respecting, 4
  international, 171, 176, 177, 308
  question of, 181

Divorces in Roumania, 85

Dobrudsha, the, acquisition of, 82
  assigned to Bulgaria, 268, 269
  cession of, at peace with Roumania, 323
  King Ferdinand and, 265
  Marghiloman’s view on, 266
  question discussed with Avarescu, 263
  Turkish attitude concerning, 268

Dualism, the curse of, 137


East Galicia, cession of, demanded by Ukrainians, 240 et seq.

“Echinstvo” group, the, 211

Edward VII., King, and Emperor Francis Joseph, 1, 2
  and William II., 63
  encircling policy of, 1, 63

Elizabeth, Queen of Roumania, a word-picture by, 91
  an operation for cataract, 93
  her devotion to King Carol, 92

Ellenbogen, Dr., and Socialist Conference at Stockholm, 168
  plain speaking by, 26

England, an effort at rapprochement with Germany and its failure, 180
  and dissolution of military power in Germany, 184
  and the elder Richthofen, 246
  attitude of, at beginning of World War, 15, 16
  blockade of, by U-boats, 142, 151
  bread shortage in, 295
  declares war on Germany, 14
  discards Declaration of London, 280
  distress in, from U-boat warfare, 145
  distrust of Germany’s intentions in, 185
  dread of gigantic growth of Germany in, 1
  Flotow’s tribute to, 120
  food supply of, 293
  freedom in, 335
  her desire to remain neutral at opening of war, 2
  negotiates with Germany on naval disarmament, 4
  public opinion in, after Sarajevo tragedy, 8
  refusal to restore German colonies, 166, 170
  shortage of potatoes in, 296
  the Pacifist party in, 167
  “unbending resolve” of, to shatter Germany, 31, 32, 71

English mentality, a typical instance of, 4

English Socialists, 214

Entente, the, adheres to Pact of London, 209, 217
  and arming of merchant vessels, 286
  and Italy, 27
  and the trial of William II., 66
  answers President Wilson, 118, 120
  as instruments in a world revolution, 273
  Austria pressed to join, 2

Project Gutenberg
In the World War from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.