Bucharest, Peace of, 6, 82, 100, 258 et seq., 270
Budapest, author’s address to party leaders
at, 174
demonstrations against Germany in, 233
Buftea, Treaty of, 323
Bulgaria, a dispute with Turkey, 268
and the Dobrudsha question, 263, 323
her relations with America, 125
humiliation of, 6
negotiations with the Entente, 162, 163,
question of her neutrality, 10
secession of, 183
Bulgarian representatives at Brest, 223
Buelow, Prince, exposes William II., 54
Burian, Count, 106, 200
and the division of Galicia, 244
draws up a peace proposal, 139
his Red Book on Roumania, 98, 114
succeeded by author, 114
visits German headquarters, 210
Busche, von dem, and territorial concessions, 107
Cachin, his attitude at French Socialist Congress, 214
Cambon, M., attends the London Conference, 275
Capelle and U-boats, 132
Carmen Sylva (see Elizabeth, Queen of Roumania)
Carol, King, a fulfilled prophecy of, 88
and Serbia, 12
last days of, 90
peculiar policy of Government of, 81
tactfulness of, 79
Tsar’s visit to, 88
urges acceptance of ultimatum, 90
visited by Franz Ferdinand, 79
Carp, 82, 87, 94
Catarau, and the crime at Debruzin, 89
Central-European question, the, 209
the terror of the Entente, 172
Central Powers and the Bratianu Ministry, 97
enemy blockade of, 132
favourable news in 1917, 143
why they adopted submarine warfare, 281
et seq.
Charles VIII., Emperor, and Franz Ferdinand, 41
and problem of nationality, 192
and the principle of ministerial responsibility,
and the Ukrainian question, 244
apprised by author of critical condition
of food supply, 237, 239
cautions the Kaiser, 321
communicates with King Ferdinand on Roumanian
peace, 260
confers a title on eldest son of Franz
Ferdinand, 45
correspondence with Prince Sixtus, 164
frequent absences from Vienna, 61
his ever friendly demeanour, 57, 58
invites Crown Prince to Vienna, 75
opposes U-boat warfare, 334
reinstates Archduke Joseph Ferdinand,
rejoices at peace with Ukraine, 249
submits author’s expose to
William II., 146, 332
suggests sacrifices for ending World War,
visits South Slav provinces, 59
Clam-Martinic, Count, and the customs question, 168
and U-boat campaign, 121
attends conference on Polish question,
opposes submarine warfare, 334
Clemenceau, M., and Germany, 182
and the Peace of Versailles, 272
dominant war aim of, 184, 186
Colloredo-Mannsfield, Count, at Brest-Litovsk, 236
attends conference on U-boat question,
meets author, 219