In the World War eBook

Ottokar Graf Czernin
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 465 pages of information about In the World War.

In the World War eBook

Ottokar Graf Czernin
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 465 pages of information about In the World War.
too, another winter campaign would be impossible.  In this one sentence may be summed up all that I have to say: 
We can still wait some weeks and try if there is any possibility of dealing with Paris or Petersburg.  If that does not succeed, then we must—­and at the right time—­play our last card and make the extreme proposals I have already hinted at.  Your Majesty has proved that you have no selfish plans and that you do not expect from your German Ally sacrifices that Your Majesty would not be ready to make yourself.  More than that cannot be expected.
Your Majesty, nevertheless, owes it to God and to your peoples to make every effort to avert the catastrophe of a collapse of the Monarchy; it is your sacred duty to God and to your peoples to defend those peoples, the dynastic principle and your throne with all the means in your power and to your very last breath.

On May 11 there came the following official answer from the Imperial Chancellor, which was sent by the German Emperor to the Emperor Charles, and then to me:—­

  In accordance with Your Majesty’s commands I beg most humbly to
  submit the following in answer to the enclosed expose from the
  Imperial and Royal Minister for Foreign Affairs of 12th ult.

Since the expose was drawn up, the French and English on the Western front have carried out the predicted great offensive on a wide front, ruthlessly sacrificing masses of men and an enormous quantity of war material.  The German army checked the advance of the numerically superior enemy; further attacks, as we have every reason to believe, will also be shattered by the heroism of the men and the iron will of their leaders.

  Judging from all our experiences hitherto in the war, we may
  consider the situation of the Allied armies on the Isonzo with the
  same confidence.

The Eastern front has been greatly reduced owing to the political upheaval in Russia.  There can be no question of an offensive on a large scale on the part of Russia.  A further easing of the situation would release more men even if it were considered necessary to have a strong barrier on the Russian frontier to guard against local disturbances owing to the revolutionary movement.  With the additional forces, the conditions in the West would become more favourable for us.  The withdrawal of men would also provide more troops for the Austrian-Hungarian Monarchy for the successful carrying out of the fighting on the Italian front until the end of the war is reached.
In both Allied Monarchies there is an ample supply of raw material for the manufacture of munitions.  Our situation as regards provisions is such that with the greatest economy we can hold out until the new harvest.  The same applies to Austria-Hungary, especially if her share of the supplies from Roumania are taken into consideration.
Project Gutenberg
In the World War from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.