days afterwards Solomon sent for the three Grand Master
Architects, Gibulum, Joabert and Stokin, and directed
them to go and search among the ancient ruins, in
hopes of discovering more treasure. They departed,
and one of them, viz., Gibulum, in working with
a pickaxe among the rubbish, discovered a large iron
ring fixed in a cubic stone. On removing this
stone, a cavern was discovered. Gibulum offered
to descend. A rope being fastened ’round
his body, and in this manner he descended thrice,
and discovered the golden triangle of Enoch, as was
represented in the ceremony of your initiation.
They then carried the stone and triangle to King Solomon,
when the same circumstances occurred, which took place
when you presented the same to us. The two Kings
then informed the three Knights that they were ignorant
of the true pronunciation of the mysterious word until
that time, and that this word being handed down through
a succession of ages, had been much corrupted.
The two Kings, accompanied by the three Knights, descended
with the sacred treasure into the secret vault.
They encrusted the golden plate upon the pedestal of
the pillar of beauty, and the brilliancy of the plate
was sufficient to enlighten the place. The secret
vault was afterwards called the sacred vault.
Whenever the Lodge of Perfection was holden, nine Knights
of the Ninth Arch tiled the nine arches which led
to the sacred vault; the most ancient stood in the
arch next to the anti-chamber of the vault, and so
on in regular progression, the youngest taking his
station in the first arch, which was near the apartment
of Solomon. We were suffered to pass without
giving the pass-words of the different arches.
There were living at that time several ancient masters,
who, excited by jealousy at the honors conferred upon
the twenty-five brethren, deputed some of their number
to wait upon Solomon, and request that they might
participate in those honors. The King answered
that the twenty-five masters were justly entitled
to the honors conferred on them, for their zeal and
fidelity. Go, said he, in peace, you may one
day be rewarded according to your merits. Upon
this, one of the deputies with an unbecoming warmth,
observed to his companions, “What occasion have
we for a higher degree? We know the word has been
changed, we can travel as masters, and receive pay
as such.” Solomon mildly replied, “Those
whom I have advanced to the degree of perfection,
have wrought in the ancient ruins, and though the
undertaking was difficult and dangerous, they penetrated
the bowels of the earth, and brought thence treasures
to enrich and adorn the Temple of God. Go in
peace, wait with patience, and aspire to perfection
by good works.” The deputies returned and
reported their reception to the masters. These
masters, vexed at the refusal, unanimously determined
to go to the ancient ruins, and search under ground,
with a view of arrogating the merit necessary for
the accomplishment of their desires. They departed