Q. Give me the sign? A. (Make the motion of writing in the left hand), also alluding to penalty.
Q. Give me the token? A. (Interlace the last finger of the right hand, so as to form a square, and place the left hand on each other’s right shoulder.)
Q. Give me the pass-word? A. Rab-kuam.
Q. What does it signify? A. Grand Master Architect.
Q. Give me the mysterious word? A. Jehovah (pronounced Ye-ho-wah).
Q. What was then done to you? A. The Most Potent invested me with the jewel, apron and gloves of this degree, and thus addressed me: “I have elevated,” etc.
Q. What then followed? A. I was directed to salute the Senior Warden, as a Grand Architect, and return to the east for further instruction.
Q. Give me the history? A. Solomon established this degree for the purpose, etc.
Q. What do the seven small rays ’round the north star signify? A. Seven liberal arts and sciences.
Closing.—Most Potent knocks one. (Grand Marshal rises.) Most Potent says, “The last as well as the first care,” etc. Most Potent knocks two. Senior Warden rises. Most Potent says, “What is the hour?” Ans. The last instant, the last hour, the last day, in which the Grand Architect completed the creation of the universe. Most Potent knocks one and two.—Companions rise. Most Potent says, “It is the last instant, etc.; it is the last hour, the last day, the last year, in which Solomon completed the temple, the last instant for closing this Chapter. Give notice,” etc. Signs. Most Potent knocks one and two, Senior Warden one and two, and Companions one and two, with their hands.
* * * * *
Opening.—Most Potent knocks seven. (Grand Marshal rises.) Most Potent says, “Are we all Knights of the Ninth Arch?” Ans. We are, Most Potent.—Q. Your place? etc., etc. Most Potent Knocks eight. Junior Warden rises. Q. What is the hour? A. The rising of the sun. Most Potent knocks three times three.—Companions rise. Most Potent says, “If it is the rising of the sun, it is time to commence our labors. Give notice,” etc. Signs of former degrees. Then two kings kneel at the pedestal, as in the first sign, and raise each other by the token. Companions do the same. Most Potent knocks three times three, Senior Warden same, Junior Warden same, and Companions same, and Most Potent says, “I declare this Chapter open.”
Lecture.—Question—Are you a Knight of the Ninth Arch? Answer—I have penetrated the bowels of the earth, through nine arches, and have seen the brilliant triangle.
Q. In what place were you admitted? A. In the audience chamber of King Solomon.
Q. How did you gain admittance there? A. In company with some Intendants of the Building, Illustrious Knights, and Grand Master Architects. I was conducted by the Master of Ceremonies to the door of the audience chamber, where he gave three times three distinct knocks.