The Mysteries of Free Masonry eBook

William Morgan
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 425 pages of information about The Mysteries of Free Masonry.

The Mysteries of Free Masonry eBook

William Morgan
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 425 pages of information about The Mysteries of Free Masonry.

Junior Knight—­“Some one knocks for admission, Invincible Knight.”  Invincible—­“See who it is and make report.”  J. K. (goes to the door and reports)—­“One that is faithful in good works wishes admission here.”  Inv.—­“What good works hath he performed?” J. K.—­“He hath given food to the hungry, drink to the thirsty, and clothed the naked with a garment.”  Inv.—­“Thus far he hath done well; but there is still much for him to do.  To be faithful in my house, saith the Lord, he should be filled with love for my people.  If so, let him enter under the penalties of his symbolic obligation.”  He enters, makes signs until he arrives at the altar, there kneels.

Vow.—­“I, A. B., do promise and vow, with this same volume clasped in my hands, that I will keep secret the words, signs, tokens, and grips of this Order of Knighthood from all but those Knights of St. John of Jerusalem, who have shown a Christian disposition to their fellow-men, are professors of the Christian faith, and have passed through the degrees of symbolic Masonry; and that I will protect and support, as far as in me lies, the followers of the Lord Jesus Christ; feed them, if hungry; give them drink, if thirsty; if naked, clothe them with garments; teach them, if ignorant; and advise them for their good and their advantage.  All this I promise in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost; and if I perform it not, let me be anathema MARANATHA!  Anathema MARANATHA!” [i.e., accursed at the coming of the Lord.]

The Invincible Knight interlaces the fingers of his left hand with those of the candidate, who lays his right hand on his heart.  The Invincible Knight draws his sword; the Senior Knight does the same; they cross them on the back of the candidate’s neck, and the Invincible Knight says, “By virtue of the high power in me vested, by a bull of his holiness, Pope Sylvester, I dub you a Knight of the Christian Mark, member of the Grand Council, and Guard of the Grand Conclave.”  The Invincible Knight then whispers in his ear, “Tammuz Touliumeth.”  The Knights come to order; the Senior Knight takes his seat; the candidate continues standing; the conductor brings a white robe; the Senior Knight says: 

“Thus saith the Lord, he that believeth and endureth to the end shall overcome, and I will cause his iniquities to pass from him, and he shall dwell in my presence forever and ever.  Take away his filthy garments from him, and clothe him with a change of raiment.  For he that overcometh the same shall be clothed in white raiment, and his name shall be written in the Book of Life, and I will confess his name before my Father and his holy angels.  He that hath an ear to hear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the true believer.  Set ye a fair mitre upon his head, place a palm in his hand, for he shall go in and out and minister before me, saith the Lord of hosts; and he shall
Project Gutenberg
The Mysteries of Free Masonry from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.