Sixteen Months in Four German Prisons eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 357 pages of information about Sixteen Months in Four German Prisons.

Sixteen Months in Four German Prisons eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 357 pages of information about Sixteen Months in Four German Prisons.

About three weeks after my arrival at Cologne, K——­ and I were surprised to hear familiar voices in the hall of his home.  We came out and to our astonishment there were two fellow-prisoners from Sennelager.  They were R——­, a British bank manager, and F——­, both of whom at the time of writing are still languishing in Ruhleben.  They had been granted liberty on a “pass,” having mentioned K——­’s name.  He was delighted they had accepted his outstanding invitation and gave them a hearty welcome.


Buergermeisster-Aurt Greis

Polizeiliche Aufforderung im Exekutiv-Verfahren.

Auf Grund des Sek. 20 des Geletes ueber die Polizeiverwaltung vom 11. 
Maerz 1850 bezw. des Sek. 132 des Geletes ueber die allgemeine
Laubesverwaltung vom 30.  Jueli 1883 werden Sie hiermit aufgefordert

[Transcriber’s note:  portions illegible, struck through and added in handwriting]

und zwar bei Vermeidung einer Greturgstrase von——­Mart oder einer——­ taegten Haftstrase——­Geen diese Aufforderung kann immerhalb awet Wochen nach Aushaendigung bersetbeii Beschwerde bei dem KoenigtichenBerrn Bonbrat zu——­angebracht werden.

——­, den 22 September 1914

Die Polizeiverwaltung.  Der Buergermeisster.]

But before we could settle down, K——­ had to accompany the two new arrivals to the village Burgermeister’s office to secure permission for their residence in his home.  K——­ and this official were on friendly terms, but I could not restrain a smile when the official, with a slight trace of waspishness in his voice, enquired if it was K——­’s intention to establish a British colony in the village?  I might mention that within a stone’s throw of K——­’s home was a large factory where a number of Germans were employed, which was managed by three Englishmen.  It was a highly prosperous and flourishing business and, the three managers living in the village, it certainly did seem as if the little place were to become colonised.

On the night of November 6th, while we were all making merry after the evening meal, there came a peremptory knocking at the door.  We looked at one another wonderingly and our hearts fell into our boots as we heard an ominous tramping of feet in the hall.  Two police officers entered the room and called out our names.  We answered affirmatively.

“Gentlemen!  You will accompany us to Cologne!” At the pronouncement we blanched.  We knew only too well what the imperative summons conveyed. We were under arrest!



My friend, being a well-known commercial man of Cologne, was acquainted with the two gendarmes.  He recognised the futility of attempting to run against the decree of the Powers-that-Be, together with the fact that these two officers were only doing their duty.  He invited them to eat and drink.  They accepted the favour, our good spirits revived, and we informally discussed the new situation and its portent.

Project Gutenberg
Sixteen Months in Four German Prisons from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.