How to Teach Phonics eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 40 pages of information about How to Teach Phonics.

How to Teach Phonics eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 40 pages of information about How to Teach Phonics.

Likewise in the following list, the new fact to be taught is the digraph “ai” having the long sound of “a.”  Blending the initial and final consonants with this, the pupil pronounces the new list of words without further aid.

rain chain faith daisy wait main paint daily nail brain faint plainly pail drain snail waist pain claim frail complain pain train praise sailor aim plain quail raise maid braid sprain trail mail

The digraph “oa” and “ay” may be taught with equal ease the first year.  There is no reason for deferring them; they should be taught as soon as the children have need for them.

coat toast roar load goat roam float road moan toad roam throat oar boat oat meal croak soar foam loaf soap coarse loaves groan board goal boast cloak coach poach roast
say day may gay hay play slay pray lay clay dray gray nay bray way stay pay tray sway spray ray stray jay stray


(These lists are for rapid pronunciation drills.)

c ame     f ade     f ace     sh ape
l ame     m ade     l ace     gr ape
g ame     w ade     p ace      m ate
n ame    bl ade     r ace      d ate
s ame    gr ade    br ace      f ate
t ame    sh ade    Gr ace      g ate
bl ame    sp ade    pl ace      h ate
fl ame    gl ade    sp ace      K ate
sh ame    tr ade    tr ace
c age    b ake      s ale      l ate
p age    c ake      b ale      r ate
r age    l ake      p ale     cr ate
s age    m ake      t ale     gr ate
w age    r ake     sc ale     pl ate
st age    s ake     st ale     sk ate
t ake     wh ale     st ate
w ake      g ale      g ave
c ane   dr ake      d ale      s ave
l ane   fl ake      c ape      c ave
m ane   qu ake      t ape      p ave
p ane   sh ake     cr ape      r ave
v ane   sn ake     dr ape      w ave
cr ane   st ake    scr ape     br ave
pl ane   br ake                gr ave
sh ave
sl ave
st ave
cr ave
b e     h eed     s eek
h e     s eed     m eek
m e     w eed     w eek
w e     r eed    ch eek
sh e    bl eed    cr eek
th e    br eed    sl eek
tr ee    gr eed     p eek
s ee    sp eed    Gr eek
b ee    st eed     f eet
th ee    fr eed     b eet
fl ee     f eel     m eet
kn ee     p eel    fl eet
fr ee     h eel    gr eet
thr ee     r eel    sh eet
gl ee    kn eel    sl eet
sk ee    st eel   str eet
d eed    wh eel    sw eet
n eed
f eed

p eep d eem
d eep s eem
k eep t eem
ch eep br eeze
w eep fr eeze
cr eep sn eeze
sh eep squ eeze
sl eep wh eeze
st eep
sw eep

Project Gutenberg
How to Teach Phonics from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.