2. That the word mass is here used in its appropriate sense, is evident, because Melancthon himself, in translating the Latin original into German, always renders the Latin term for mass (missa) by the German term messe (mass); whereas if he had used the Latin term in its more general sense in Article XXIV., he would at least sometimes have translated it eucharist, or Lord’s Supper. But so far as we have examined, the word mass (messe) is always employed in this article, where the German is a translation of the Latin. In one case at least we have found the German and Latin Confessions pursue different trains of thought; so that though mass is found in the one, nothing corresponding is contained in the other. The same may be affirmed of all translations into English that we have seen, whether made in this country or in Great Britain. No translator, so far as our knowledge extends, has ventured to render “missa” or " messe,” by Lord’s Supper or eucharist; but by the appropriate term “mass;” because they all felt that the context and scope of the Article demanded it.
3. Another proof in Article XXIV. itself, that the word mass is used to designate that ceremonial, which preceded the distribution of the sacrament, is found in the fact that both the word mass and sacrament are used together, with the copulative conjunction AND connecting them. a. Thus, near the commencement of the article, we read: “Our people are instructed repeatedly, and with the utmost diligence, concerning the design and proper mode of receiving the holy sacrament; namely, to comfort alarmed consciences; by which means the people are attracted to the communion AND the mass,” [Note 31] (dadurch das volk zur communion und Mess gezogen wird.) The Latin copy here has a different train of remarks.
b. Again, the following passage near the close of the Article: “The ancient canons also show that one of the priests performed the mass, and administered the communion to the other priests and deacons.” [Note 32] (Auch zeigen die alten canones an, dasz einer das Amt gehalten hat UND die andern Priester und Diakon communicirt.) c. Also the passage preceding this: “Our custom is, that on holy days, and also at other times, if communicants are present, we hold mass AND admit to communion such as desire it.” (So wird diese Weise bei uns gehalten,