Samantha at the World's Fair eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 532 pages of information about Samantha at the World's Fair.

Samantha at the World's Fair eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 532 pages of information about Samantha at the World's Fair.

“Yes,” sez Josiah, with a air as if he had made population a study from his youth.

But he didn’t know nothin’ about it, no more than I did.

Sez Mr. Bolster, “Out of a population of a little over a million 200,000, we have nine hundred and 14,000 foreigners.  That shows in itself that Chicago is the only city calculated to make our foreign friends feel perfectly at home.”

“Yes,” sez Josiah, “that is very true.”

But I sez to Miss Plank, “There is other folks I like jest as well as I do my relations, and if they had thought so much on ’em, why didn’t they stay with ’em in the first place?”

And Miss Plank kinder looked knowin’ and nodded her head; she couldn’t swing right out free, as I could, bein’ hampered by not wantin’ to offend any of her boarders.

Sez Mr. Bolster, “Chicago has the most energetic and progressive people in the world.  It hain’t made up, like a Eastern village, of folks that stay to home and set round on butter-tubs in grocery stores, talkin’ about hens.  No, it is made up of people who dared—­who wuz too energetic, progressive, and ambitious, to settle down and be content with what their fathers had.  And they struck out new paths for themselves, as the Pilgrim Fathers did.

“And it is of these people, who represent the advancin’ and progressive thought of the day, that Chicago is made up.  It embodies the best energy and ambition of the Eastern States and of Europe.”

“Yes,” sez Josiah, “that is jest so.”

And then, sez Mr. Bolster, “Chicago is, as is well known, in the very centre of the earth.”

[Illustration:  “Chicago is the very centre of the earth.”]

“Yes,” sez Josiah.

But I struck in here, and couldn’t help it, and, sez I, “That is what Boston has always thought;” and, sez I, candidly, “That is what has always been thought about Jonesville.”

He looked pityin’ly at me, and, sez he, “Where is Jonesville?”

And I sez, “Jest where I told you, in the very centre of the earth, as nigh as we can make out.”

“How old is the place?” sez Mr. Bolster.

Sez I proudly, “It is more than a hundred and fifty years old, for Uncle Nate Bently’s grandfather built the first store there, and helped build the first Meetin’-House; and,” sez I, “Uncle Nate is over ninety.”

“How many inhabitants has it?” sez he briskly.

And then my own feathers had to droop; and as I paused to collect my thoughts, Josiah spoke up—­he is always so forward—­and, sez he, “About 200 and 10 or 11.”

But I sez, with dignity, “Perhaps I know more about some things than you do, Josiah.  There may be, by this time, one or two more inhabitants.”

Sez Mr. Bolster, “A growth of about 200 in one hundred years!  Chicago is about half as old, and has one million eight hundred thousand population.  In ten years the population has increased 108 per cent, and property has increased in the same time 656 per cent, the greatest growth in the world.”

Project Gutenberg
Samantha at the World's Fair from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.