Josiah enjoyed himself here richly.
He hardly could be torn away.
And I took comfort, too, in the dairy, where the butter and cheese from the different States is shown off in handsome cases, and kep cool and fresh in dog-days. This wuz, I spoze, to test the merits of the different breeds of dairy cattle, and teach the very best methods of makin’ butter and cheese.
I took solid comfort here, and I also got some new
and useful idees that
I could disseminate to Miss Isham, and she that wuz
Submit Tewksbury.
As for Philury, I mean to give her lessons daily (she runs our dairy in my absence).
In the annex of this buildin’ wuz exhibits of all the Agricultural implements ever known or hearn on, from the first old rickety reaper up to the noble machine of to-day, that will cut the grain, and take out a string and tie it up in sheafs; and I guess if it wuz encouraged enough, it would take it to the mill and grind it—
And the first old cotton-gin and mower up to the finished machines of to-day.
Outside this buildin’, directly on the lagoon, wuz exhibits of gates, fences, and all sorts of wind-mills, from the picteresque old Dutch mills up to the ones of eighteen hundred and ninety-three.
And engines, portable and traction ones.
I asked Josiah, “What he spozed a traction engine wuz,” and he sez, “One that is tractable—easy to manage.” Sez he, “Some on ’em, you know, is obstropolos.”
I don’t know whether he got it right or not, but he seemed sure on’t, and that is half the battle, so fur as makin’ a show is concerned, in this world.
Jined to this department is a Assembly Hall, on purpose for speakers and orators to disseminate the best and latest idees about agriculture.
And, take it all in all, what a boon to Jonesville and the World the hull exhibit is!
It wuz a sight!
Wall, bein’ pretty nigh to it—only a little walk acrost a tree-shaded green—I acceded to my pardner’s request that I would go with him to the Stock Exhibit. He had been before, but I hadn’t got round to it.
It is sixty-three acres big, forty-four acres under ruff.
Think of a house forty-four acres big!
Wall, here we see every live animal that wuz ever seen, from a little trick pony to a elephant, and from a sheep to a camel—a dretful interestin’ exhibit, but noisy.
And all kinds of dogs, from a poodle to a mastiff.
Why, there wuz one dog there that wuz worth three thousand and seven hundred dollars; it is the biggest dog in the world.
But I told Josiah that I wouldn’t gin a cent for it if I had got to have it round; it wuz so big that it wuz fairly skairful. Why it weighed about two hundred and fifty pounds.
[Illustration: It wuz so big that it wuz fairly skairful.]
It wuz a St. Bernard; but I told Josiah, “Santi or not, I wouldn’t want to meet it alone in the back lane in the evenin’.”