But she didn’t seem to be a mite afraid; she looked calm, and she had on plenty of store clothes, which wuz indeed a comfort.
[Illustration: She didn’t seem to be a mite afraid.]
And then, besides these main piers, with their large, beautiful groups, there wuz fifty-two smaller piers, each one havin’ a handsome statute, representin’ winged Geniis, sometimes a-holdin’ tablets in their hands, and anon horns of plenty, and abundance.
Most of this beautiful sculpture wuz designed by a man named Martiney, French born, but I guess a-callin’ himself an American now.
And I thought, as I looked at it, I would love to see him, and tell him how well I thought on him and his works. He also made the beautiful orniments in the interior of the large rotunda, and the great figger of Ceres that stands in the centre.
In the pediment over the main entrance stands another beautiful figger of Ceres—she that wuz Demetor Saturn.
I spoze, mebby, now we ort to call her Miss Jupiter. But, anyway, she is as good-hearted as can be, always a-handin’ out grain and food to the perishin’.
Here she stands in the sculpture, which is made by an American, Mr. Mead by name—here she stands, tall and benignant, in the centre of as many as twenty men, wimmen, and children, a-sufferin’ from hunger the most on ‘em, and she a-handin’ out food right and left. What a good creeter she is, anyway!
Wall, mebby I have gin you a faint, a very faint idee of the beauty of the hull twenty-six hundred feet of solid loveliness and perfection.
But who—who will tell what we see inside on’t?
In this buildin’ every State in the Union, and almost every civilized nation of the world, is represented with agricultural exhibits, and food products in their manufactured state. Prizes will be gin at the end of the Fair to the best.
Every nation is shown up here; and if you have got any learnin’, you can look it up in your own Gography, and realize the number on ’em, and the immense size of the exhibition.
And then there is the most interestin’ exhibits in agricultural teachin’, Schools and Colleges of different nations, side by side with the best American colleges of Agriculture, and Experimental Stations.
Here in this exhibit you can see everything eatable and drinkable, from Jonesville wheat to palm sugar, and all sorts of vegetables that wuz ever seen, and the very biggest ones that wuz ever grown, from a sweet potato to a squash, and peanuts to cocoanuts—
And all sorts of animal products, from a elephant’s tusk, from Africa, to a sleek deacon’s skin, from Jonesville.
And then, besides the exhibit of raw products of every kind, from Egypt to Shackville, there are shown off all sorts of manufactured foods, and everything else, and so forth and so on.
If you stay here long enough, say from 2 to 3 months, you can git a good idee of what the world feeds on, from Hindoostan to Loontown and Zoar.