She wuz a-holdin’ that right arm up towards the Heavens; the fingers wuz curved a little—they seemed to be begenin’ to sunthin’ up in the sky to come down and bless the world.
Mebby it wuz Justice she wuz a-callin’ on to come down and watch over the rights of wimmen. Anyway, she looked as well agin with both arms on her.
Amongst the wonders of beauty in the French exhibit we see that vase of Gustave Dore’s. That attracted crowds of admirers the hull time; it stood up fifteen feet high, and every inch of it wuz beautiful enough for the very finest handkerchief pin!
There wuz hundreds of figgers from the animal and vegetable kingdom, and Mythology—cupids, nymphs, birds, and butterflies disportin’ themselves in the most graceful way, and such beautiful female figgers!—Venuses as beautiful as dreams, and over all, and through all, wuz a-trailin’ the rich clusters of the vine.
The figgers seemed at first sight to kind o’ encourage wine-makin’ and wine-drinkin’. But look clost, and you’d see on one side, workin’ his stiddy way up through the fairy landscape, up through the gay revellers, a venemous serpent wuz a-creepin’.
He wuz bound to be there, and Venus or Nymph, or any of ’em that touched that foamin’ wine, had to be stung by his deadly venoms. Mr. Dore made that plain.
Wall, we tried to the best of our ability to not slight a single country, but I’m afraid we did; I tried to act the part of a lady and pay attention to the hull on ’em, but I’m afraid that fifty or sixty countries had reason to feel that we slighted ’em; but I hope that this will explain matters to ’em.
I felt that I hadn’t done justice to our own country and our Ma Country, not at all; but when you jest think how big the United States is, and how many firms try to show off in every county of every State—why, it tires anybody jest to think on’t; and Great Britain too; for, as I thought, what good duz visitors do when their brain is a-reelin’ under their head-dresses, and stove-pipe hats! And truly that wuz our condition before we fairly begun to go through the countries.
Beautiful works of art—marvellous exhibits to the right of us, to the left of us, and before us and behind us—forty-five acres on ’em. What wuz two small pair of eyes and four ears to set up aginst this colossial and imeasureable show!
We went till we wuz ready to drop down, and then Josiah sez, “Less take the rest of the grandeur for granted, and less go somewhere and git a cup of tea, and a nip of sunthin’ to eat.”
I said sunthin’ about hurtin’ the different countries feelin’s by not payin’ attention to ’em.
And he sez, “Dum it all, I don’t know as it would make ’em any happier to have two old folks die on their hands; and I feel, Samantha, that the end is a-drawin’ near,” sez he.
He did look real bad. So we went to the nearest place and got a cup of tea, and rested a spell, and when we come back we kinder left the Manafactures part, and tackled the Liberal part, and I declare that wuz the best of all by fur.