Normandy Picturesque eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 170 pages of information about Normandy Picturesque.

Normandy Picturesque eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 170 pages of information about Normandy Picturesque.

    [At Serquiny turn off to Evreux, 26 miles.  Fare from Serquiny,
    4frs. 60c. (3s. 9d.) Hotel:  Grand Cerf.]

        ROUEN (Pop. 103,000).  Hotels:  d’Angleterre,
        d’Albion, &c.
(none first-rate,
        generally full of English people.)

  Rouen to Havre by the Seine; or by Rly.

List of the WATERING-PLACES OF NORMANDY, from east to west, with a few notes for Visitors.

Dieppe (Pop. 20,000).—­Busy seaport town—­fashionable and expensive
     during the season—­good accommodation facing the sea—­pretty rides
     and drives in the neighbourhood—­shingly beach, bracing air.

HOTELS:  Royal, des Bains, de Londres, &c.  Ry. to Paris.

Fecamp (13,000).—­A dull uninteresting town, inns second-rate and
     dear, in summer—­situated on a river, the town reaching for nearly
     a mile inland.

HOTELS:  de la Plage, des Bains, Chariot d’Or.  Ry. to Paris.

Etretat (2000).—­Romantic situation—­bracing air—­rocky coast—­shingly
     beach—­only two good hotels—­a few villas and apartments—­no
     town—­very amusing for a time.

HOTELS:  Blanquet, Hauville, Dil. to Fecamp, and Havre.

Havre (75,000).—­Large and important seaport on the right bank of the
     Seine—­harbour, docks, warehouses, fine modern buildings, streets,
     and squares—­picturesque old houses and fishing-boats on the
     quay—­bathing not equal to Dieppe or Trouville.

HOTELS:  de l’Europe, de l’Amiraute, &c., and Frascati’s on the
     sea-shore.  Ry. to Paris; Steamboats to Trouville, &c.

Honfleur (10,000).—­Opposite Havre, on the Seine—­old and picturesque
     town—­pleasant walks—­English society—­sea-bathing, “mais quels
,” says Conty, “bains impossible!” Living is not dear for

HOTELS:  du Cheval Blanc, de la Paix, &c.  Ry. to Paris.

Trouville (5000 or 6000).—­Fashionable and very dear at the best
     hotels—­ample accommodation to suit all purses—­good
     sands—­splendid casino—­handsome villas, and plenty of apartments. 
     Less bracing than Dieppe or Etretat.

HOTELS:  Roches-Noires, Paris, Bras d’Or, &c.  Ry. to Paris.

Deauville.—­A scattered assemblage of villas and picturesque
     houses—­very exclusive and select, and dull for a stranger—­grand
     casino—­quite a modern town—­separated from Trouville by the river

HOTELS:  Grand, du Casino, &c.  Ry. to Paris.

Villers-sur-mer.—­A pretty village, six miles from Trouville—­crowded
     during the season—­beautiful neighbourhood—­good apartments, but
     expensive—­inns moderate.

HOTELS:  du Bras d’Or, Casino, &c.  Ry. to Paris.

Project Gutenberg
Normandy Picturesque from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.