The Spinster Book eBook

Myrtle Reed
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 133 pages of information about The Spinster Book.

The Spinster Book eBook

Myrtle Reed
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 133 pages of information about The Spinster Book.

A man will spend an entire evening, utterly oblivious of the lapse of time, while a woman subjects him to careful analysis.  But sympathy, rather than sarcasm, must be her guide—­if she wants him to come again.  A man will make a comrade of the woman who stimulates him to higher achievement, but he will love the one who makes herself a mirror for his conceit.

Men claim that women cannot keep a secret, but it is a common failing.  A man will always tell some one person the thing which is told him in confidence.  If he is married, he tells his wife.  Then the exclusive bit of news is rapidly syndicated, and by gentle degrees, the secret is diffused through the community.  This is the most pathetic thing in matrimony—­the regularity with which husbands relate the irregularities of their friends.  Very little of the world’s woe is caused by silence, however it may be in fiction and the drama.

[Sidenote:  Exchange of Confidence]

In return for the generous confidence regarding other people’s doings, the married man is made conversant with those things which his wife deems it right and proper for him to know.  And he is not unhappy, for it isn’t what he doesn’t know that troubles a man, but what he knows he doesn’t know.

The masculine nature is less capable of concealment than the feminine.  Where men are frankly selfish, women are secretly so.  Man’s vices are few and comprehensive; woman’s petty and innumerable.  Any man who is not in the penitentiary has at most but three or four, while a woman will hide a dozen under her social mask and defy detection.

Women are said to be fickle, but are they more so than men?  A man’s ideal is as variable as the wind.  What he thinks is his ideal of woman is usually a glorified image of the last girl he happened to admire.  The man who has had a decided preference for blondes all his life, finally installs a brown-eyed deity at his hearthstone.  If he has been fond of petite and coquettish damsels, he marries some Diana moulded on large lines and unconcerned as to mice.

A man will ride, row, and swim with one girl and marry another who is afraid of horses, turns pale at the mention of a boat, and who would look forward to an interview with His Satanic Majesty with more ease and confidence than to a dip in the summer sea.

[Sidenote:  Portia and Carmen]

Theoretically, men admire “reasonable women,” with the uncommon quality which is called “common sense,” but it is the woman of caprice, the sweet, illogical despot of a thousand moods, who is most often and most tenderly loved.  Man is by nature a discoverer.  It is not beauty which holds him, but rather mystery and charm.  To see the one woman through all the changing moods—­to discern Portia through Carmen’s witchery—­is the thing above all others which captivates a man.

[Sidenote:  The Dorcas Ideal]

Deep in his heart, man cherishes the Dorcas ideal.  The old, lingering notions of womanliness are not quite dispelled, but in this, as in other things, nothing sickens a man of his pet theory like seeing it in operation.

Project Gutenberg
The Spinster Book from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.