—— A review of C.J. Rockel (De allocutionis usu qualis sit apud Thucydidem, Xenophontem, oratores Atticos, Dionem, Aristidem.). (Jhrb. of I. Mueller.)
—— Mention of H. Haupt’s Survey in Philol. 44. (Jhrb. of I. Mueller.)
BR. KEIL.—A criticism of Rockel. (Article above cited. W. Kl. Ph., May 4.)
W.F. ALLEN.—The Monetary Crisis in Rome, A.D. 33. (Containing citations from Dio. Tr. A. Ph. A., Vol. 18.)
E.G. SIHLER.—The Tradition of Caesar’s Gallic Wars from Cicero to Orosius. (Containing citations from Dio. Tr. A. Ph. A., Vol. 18.)
LIATYSCHEV.—(An article containing citations from Dio that contribute to a knowledge of the location of the city of Olbia.—Journal Ministerstva Narodnavo Prosveschtscheniia, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4.)
W.F. ALLEN.—Lex Curiata de Imperio.
(Containing citations from Dio
XXXIX, 19 and elsewhere.—Tr. A. Ph.
A., Vol. 19.)
S.A. NABER.—Critical observations.
(Including Dio XLVI, 15; LI, 14;
LV, 10; LXIX, 28; LXXVI, 14; LXXVII, 4. Mnemos.,
Vol. 16, part 1.)
—— A review of L. Poetsch. (Program. Bei.—traege zur Kritik der Kaiserbiographien Cassius Dio, Herodian, und AElius Lampridius auf Grund ihrer Berichte ueber den Kaiser Commodus Antoninus.—Z. oest. Gymn., 1888, Book 3.)
BREITUNG.—A review of Maisel (Observationes
in Cassium Dionem.).
(W. Kl. Ph., June 19.)
—— A review of Maisel. (Do. do.—The Academy, February.)
J. HILBERG.—A review of Maisel.
(Do. do.—Z. oest. Gymn., 1889,
Book 3.)
H. KONTOS.—Critical note on Dio, XLIX, 12, 2. ([Greek: ATHENA], Vol. 1, parts 3-4.)
MELBER.—Contribution to a new order of the Fragments in Cassius Dio. (Sitzb. d. philos.-philolog. u. hist. d. k. B. Akademie d. Wiss. zu Muenchen, Feb. 9.)
NAUCK.—Analecta Critica. (Proposition to restore six fragments of Cassius Dio to Dio Chrysostom.—Hermes, Vol. 24, part 3.)
ALEX RIESE.—Die Sueben (based upon Dio). (Rh. Mus., Vol. 44, part 3.)
SP. VASIS.—Passage of Dio applied to correct conclusions of Willems on Cic. ad Att. 5, 4, 2. ([Greek: ATHENA], Vol. 1, parts 3-4.)
—— A review of E. Cornelius (Quomodo Tacitus historiae scriptor in hominum memoria versatus sit usque ad renascentes litteras saec. XIV et XV.—Dio is indirectly involved.). (Jhrb. d. phil. Ver. zu. Berlin, 1889.)
—— A review of C.J. Rockel. (Title cited under 1887.—Jhrb. of I. Mueller.)
U. PH. BOISSEVAIN.—A misplaced fragment
of Dio (LXXV, 9, 6). (Hermes,
Vol. 25, part 3.)
TH. HULTZSCH.—On Dio Cassius (relative to early alteration of the text). (N. JB. f. Ph. u. Pae., Vol. 141, book 3.)
KARL JACOBY.—A review of Maisel.
(Title cited under 1889.—B.P.W.,
Feb. 15.)