The reader must bear in mind that Italy is the home of the Pope, and the home of Popes, and that Rome is the city of Popes, archbishops and cardinals.
This statement can not be denied by any living man, and since it is true, we want to learn something of the inhabitants of Rome, so that we may be prepared to judge whether Roman Catholicism is beneficial or detrimental to those whom she rules.
We make the statement without fear of successful denial, that Roman Catholicism is a power which withers the hopes and ambitions of any nation, which is so unlucky as to fall under her tyrannical tread, as Romanism is a power for evil, unequaled by any creed of deviltry and diabolical cunning ever conceived by mortal man.
We have made the statement that the city of Rome was one of the most immoral and ungodly cities under the shining canopy of Heaven, and we have also made the statement that Rome is the home of popes, archbishops and cardinals, and we propose to prove to the reader that, while Rome is the home of Roman Catholic officials, that she is also the home of the libertine and immoral.
We also propose to prove that the immorality of the inhabitants of Rome is taught them by the Catholic officials of Rome, as we are not writing of what we have learned from the mouth of others, but we are writing of what we know by the power of sight, as we have visited Rome more than once in the official capacity of Roman Catholicism, and we make this statement with a living God as our witness, that Roman Catholicism is responsible for the immorality found in the city of Rome, and this immorality is not confined alone to the city outside the walls of the Vatican, as this atmosphere of immorality and degradation permeates the very atmosphere of the Vatican, as illegitimacy is found within the walls of the Vatican, as well as without.
Rome is a city of popes, cardinals, archbishops, priests, monks, friars and ecclesiastical students.
In the city of Rome, which is the home of popes, there are 39 cardinals, 35 archbishops, 1,469 priests, 2,832 monks and friars, 2,000 nuns and 1,000 ecclesiastical students, making in all 7,576 teachers of this abomination; and for every 4,375 children born in the city of Rome, 3,160 are bastards, and for every 750 people in the city of Rome, there is a murder committed during the year; thus you will see that this herd of Catholic teachers are not only teachers of immorality and degradation, but are also responsible for murder, as such a pestilence of immorality will lead to murder.
Is it any wonder that France and Italy are to-day struggling with this polluted beast in order to free themselves from her filthy grasp? Is it any wonder that France has closed up the monasteries, convents and schools of this abomination!
With such nations as France and Italy declaring to their inhabitants that Catholicism is not only a nuisance but a menace to intelligence and morality, what can this government expect in the future if she permits Romanism to continue to flourish in the future as she has in the past?