Thirty Years In Hell eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 192 pages of information about Thirty Years In Hell.

Thirty Years In Hell eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 192 pages of information about Thirty Years In Hell.

The confessor of the “Mother Superior” was changed and the sister who waited upon her was changed, and in a very short time the “Mother Superior” asked for food; thus it began to dawn upon the public at large that they had been grossly deceived, and they began to learn that all of these miraculous cures (?) were brought about and promulgated by the leaders of Catholicism.  Numerous physicians were taken into confidence and an examination was made of the “Mother Superior,” and it was learned that she was pregnant, and it was proven that the child belonged to the priest in charge of the convent, who, by the way, was the one this “Mother Superior” confessed her sins to.

This “Mother Superior” sat in her room and gave her orders to at least two hundred sisters who were inmates of this institution.

The Catholic world advertised this “fake” so thoroughly that every house in and about Munster was filled to overflowing with pilgrims who came there on the strength of this well-advertised “fake.”

Munster was the Mecca.  Every train arriving brought in hundreds and added great multitudes to the already great crowd.  Some claimed that the sight of the chapel, or even the sight of the hospital, healed them.

Even the newspapers began to report the wonderful miracles (?) that were performed by this “Mother Superior.”

By this time the Protestants in Munster were getting very active and denounced this worship in round terms, and set about to have an investigation made, which was bitterly opposed by the Catholics.  The hotel keepers and shop keepers of Munster were bitterly opposed to the Protestants’ denunciation, as they were anxious for this “fake” to be advertised as thoroughly as possible, as it was bringing them in large revenues, as the thousands who were visiting Munster were compelled to have raiment, food and lodging; but the denunciation of this “fake” by the Protestants became so great that the bishop was compelled, greatly against the wishes of the citizens of Munster, to investigate, and this investigation brought forth enough to startle the civilized world.  However, it is only one of the many, many colossal “fakes” that are promulgated by Catholicism.  However, the clamor of the Protestant world brought things to a crisis, as the “Mother Superior” was ordered to stay in strict confinement and a watch was placed over her.

This brought matters to a climax and the “Mother Superior” confessed that one of the inmates of the convent had secretly carried her food during all of this time that she was claiming to exist on “Holy Communion.”  Of course, this is only one of the tens of thousands of such schemes that are practiced by Catholicism all over the world, and the Protestants were not surprised and stated boldly and above board that they knew there was some “scull-duggery” attached to all of this “fake” miracle business.

This “Mother Superior” fled from Munster, and it was learned that she went to the City Rheine, on the river Ems, and gave birth to a child, and the father of this child was the Catholic priest in charge of this convent, who helped and was the prime instigator in giving out to the world that the “Mother Superior” was performing miracles, which was a malicious lie made of whole cloth and promulgated in order to securely bind the followers of Catholicism to their idolatrous belief.

Project Gutenberg
Thirty Years In Hell from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.