Thirty Years In Hell eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 192 pages of information about Thirty Years In Hell.

Thirty Years In Hell eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 192 pages of information about Thirty Years In Hell.

[Illustration:  “FREE IN NAME ONLY.”  “Take their chains off, UNCLE SAM, or you will always have trouble with them.”]

Chapter VII.

The Power of the Pope in Cuba, Porto
Rico and the Philippine Islands.

It makes my heart sick when I realize that the Government of the United States has spent hundreds of millions of dollars upon the Islands of Cuba, Porto Rico and the Philippine Islands, and, after all, these Islands are still in the grasp and the filthy embrace of the Vatican at Rome.

Not only fabulous amounts of money have been spent by the United States upon these Islands, but hundreds of our noble boys in blue have given up their lives in battle and by the scourge of disease, and still Catholicism has absolute sway in these far-away countries.

These islands have been under the immediate control of Popery for hundreds of years, but when the Government of the United States took charge of them, their inhabitants had advanced no further in intellectuality and the freedom of free men than they were centuries ago.

It may sound strange to the average reader when I declare that all of the lives lost and all of the money expended by the United States upon Cuba, Porto Rico and the Philippine Islands was brought about by the tyrannical rule of Rome, for it was by her abominations that Cuba rebelled, which was the prime cause of the interference by the government of the United States; therefore you can readily see why it is that I claim that Catholicism is to blame for the part that the government of the United States took in the affairs of these countries, and what puzzles me so much is why the government of the United States still permits Catholicism to control the destinies of these countries, when the officials of this government know full well that had it not been for abhorrent Catholicism that Cuba would never have rebelled and that Porto Rico would have been satisfied, and that the Philippine Islands would not to-day belong to the United States; but, instead of this government trying to remedy the great wrong done to the inhabitants of these countries, it went right ahead and allowed the bone of contention to remain, and to-day finds this government not only permitting Catholicism to continue to practice her abominations in these countries, but this government is instrumental in sending Catholic teachers over to these countries, when, if this country would do its whole duty, it would not permit Catholicism to take any part in the affairs of these countries.

Archbishop Chapelle was shipped to the Philippine Islands with all the pomp of a ruler, and so was Archbishop J.J.  Harty, whom I am personally acquainted with, and whom I have been on intimate terms with for a number of years, and this man Harty is to-day in the Philippine Islands ruling with the same tyrannical hand that has characterized Romanism for centuries past, and whose rule is only symbolic to ruin, as the interests of the inhabitants of these countries are never considered, as it is Rome’s ambition and only desire to keep them under the heel of perpetual tyranny.

Project Gutenberg
Thirty Years In Hell from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.