Days of the Discoverers eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 311 pages of information about Days of the Discoverers.

Days of the Discoverers eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 311 pages of information about Days of the Discoverers.

    Stately in trappings thick with gold and gems,
      Stern-browed and stubborn-eyed, they wandered forth,
    As children credulous, as strong men brave,
      To South, and West, and North.

    Our venturous pilots map the windy skies;
      To serve our pleasure, huger galleons wait. 
    Aflame with more than magic lights, our walls
      Guard the Manhattan Gate!


Among the sources of information from which the historical material of this book are drawn are the following works: 

Voyages, HAKLUYT

The Discovery of America.  JOHN FISKE

Dutch and Quaker Colonies in America.  JOHN FISKE

The Conquest of Mexico.  PRESCOTT

Two Voyages in New England.  J. JOSSELYN

Adventures and Conquests of Magellan.  GEORGE MAKEPEACE TOWLE

Narrative and Critical History of America. (Edited by JUSTIN WINSOR)

The People for Whom Shakespeare Wrote.  WARNER

The Romance of Colonization.  G. BARNETT SMITH

Life of Columbus.  WASHINGTON IRVING

The Voyage of the Vega.  NORDENSKIOLD

The Land of the Midnight Sun.  DU CHAILLU

The Court of France.  LADY JACKSON

Sailors’ Narratives of New England Voyages. (Edited by GEORGE PARKER


The Iroquois Book of Rites.  HALE

Drake.  ALFRED NOYES (poem)

Crusaders of New France.  WILLIAM BENNETT MUNRO

Elizabethan Sea-dogs.  WILLIAM WOOD

Young Folks’ Book of American Explorers.  HIGGINSON

Paradise Found.  WILLIAM F. WARREN

Ferdinand and Isabella.  PRESCOTT

Pioneers of France in the New World.  PARKMAN

Sir Francis Drake.  JULIAN CORBETT

Henry the Navigator.  MEN OF ACTION SERIES


[Transcriber’s Notes: 

Page Problem Change/Comment

8 “Helene” “Helene” to match rest of text 26 same awe some awe 55 Inserted a comma after ’jeweled
85 superfluous comma in “Catherine,
                                became” removed
85 valauble valuable 90 good cheap and wholesome.  As in image 108 comrad comrade 133 ‘And the White Gods come’ Line indented to match other stanzas. 150 sqadron squadron 162 religon religion 178 exicitement excitement 194 slaves slavers 194 Cabeca ‘Cabeca’ as elsewhere 230 ’like spent bullets” ‘like spent bullets.’ 232 two month’s As in image 239 exploratioins explorations 247 Amadas Armadas 300 Inserted ‘(’ before ’Edited by Justin

Project Gutenberg
Days of the Discoverers from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.