NEW FRANCE, conquest of, 6.
NOVA SCOTIA, mentioned, 22.
ONTARIO: first settlement of, 3; more ultra-English than England, 4; description of, 33-35.
OSLER, WILLIAM, a Canadian, 278.
PANAMA CANAL; mentioned, 14; influence of upon commerce, 27; turns Pacific into a front door, 41; what it means to Canada, 168-190; will reverse conduits of trade, 280.
PAPINEAU, LOUIS, a leader in the rebellion of 1837-8, 226.
PARLIAMENT: composition and powers of, 230-233; a session every year, 234.
PEACE RIVER COUNTRY: mentioned, 16; wheat grown in, 271; wheat lands of, 300.
PEEL, PAUL: lost to Canada, 279.
PRAIRIE PROVINCES: resources of, 350; probable wheat production of in twenty years, 183.
PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND, mentioned, 22.
QUEBEC, PROVINCE OF: more Catholic than the Pope, 4; size of, 16; description of, 27-32.
QUEBEC ACT, first constitution of Canada, 225.
REBELLION OF 1837: significance of, 8.
RECIPROCITY: Canadians seek, 15; why rejected, 80-94.
RED RIVER, demands self-government, 11.
RELIGION, influence of in Canada, 252-259.
REVILLONS: yearly fur trade of, 298; inquiry made of as to number of white hunters, 302.
RIEL REBELLION, mentioned, 227, 284.
ROOSEVELT, THEODORE, sends fleet round the world, 128.
ROYAL NORTHWEST MOUNTED POLICE, absence of flunkeyism among, 49.
SASKATCHEWAN: area of, 16, 39; coal deposits in, 38.
SCHURMAN, JACOB G., a Canadian, 278.
SIFTON, CLIFFORD: a self-made man, 53; campaign for immigrants, 70-74, 87.
SMITH, GOLDWIN, opinion of Canadian loyalty, 47-48.
SOCIALISM: plays little part in Canadian affairs, 248-251; in Canada, 210, 222.
SOCIALISTS, have never collected money to buy rifles, 149.
SPORT, interest in and forms of, 259-262.
ST. LAWRENCE RIVER, improvements along, 192-196.
STRATHCONA, LORD: prophecy of regarding the prairie provinces, 39, 170; once a fur-trader, 295.
STRATHCONA HORSE, daring of in South Africa, 49.
SUDBURY, nickel mines of, 34.
TAFT, WILLIAM H., and reciprocity, 45, 89-91.
TEACHERS, lack of recognition of services of, 125-126.
“TWILIGHT ZONE”: borderland between Dominion and provincial powers, 145; embarrassing in labor disputes, 219.
UNITED EMPIRE LOYALISTS: first people Ontario, 3; mentioned, 6, 7, 9, 225, 274, 295.