Phineas Finn eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 986 pages of information about Phineas Finn.

Phineas Finn eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 986 pages of information about Phineas Finn.

“Why shouldn’t he,—­and we that have known each other all our lives?  But, Barbara, pray, pray never say a word of this to any one!”

“Is it I?  Wouldn’t I cut out my tongue first?”

“I don’t know why I let you talk to me in this way.  There has never been anything between me and Phineas,—­your brother I mean.”

“I know whom you mean very well.”

“And I feel quite sure that there never will be.  Why should there?  He’ll go out among great people and be a great man; and I’ve already found out that there’s a certain Lady Laura Standish whom he admires very much.”

“Lady Laura Fiddlestick!”

“A man in Parliament, you know, may look up to anybody,” said Miss Mary Flood Jones.

“I want Phin to look up to you, my dear.”

“That wouldn’t be looking up.  Placed as he is now, that would be looking down; and he is so proud that he’ll never do that.  But come down, dear, else they’ll wonder where we are.”

Mary Flood Jones was a little girl about twenty years of age, with the softest hair in the world, of a colour varying between brown and auburn,—­for sometimes you would swear it was the one and sometimes the other; and she was as pretty as ever she could be.  She was one of those girls, so common in Ireland, whom men, with tastes that way given, feel inclined to take up and devour on the spur of the moment; and when she liked her lion, she had a look about her which seemed to ask to be devoured.  There are girls so cold-looking,—­pretty girls, too, ladylike, discreet, and armed with all accomplishments,—­whom to attack seems to require the same sort of courage, and the same sort of preparation, as a journey in quest of the north-west passage.  One thinks of a pedestal near the Athenaeum as the most appropriate and most honourable reward of such courage.  But, again, there are other girls to abstain from attacking whom is, to a man of any warmth of temperament, quite impossible.  They are like water when one is athirst, like plovers’ eggs in March, like cigars when one is out in the autumn.  No one ever dreams of denying himself when such temptation comes in the way.  It often happens, however, that in spite of appearances, the water will not come from the well, nor the egg from its shell, nor will the cigar allow itself to be lit.  A girl of such appearance, so charming, was Mary Flood Jones of Killaloe, and our hero Phineas was not allowed to thirst in vain for a drop from the cool spring.

When the girls went down into the drawing-room Mary was careful to go to a part of the room quite remote from Phineas, so as to seat herself between Mrs. Finn and Dr. Finn’s young partner, Mr. Elias Bodkin, from Ballinasloe.  But Mrs. Finn and the Miss Finns and all Killaloe knew that Mary had no love for Mr. Bodkin, and when Mr. Bodkin handed her the hot cake she hardly so much as smiled at him.  But in two minutes Phineas was behind her chair, and then she smiled; and in five minutes more she had got herself so twisted round that she was sitting in a corner with Phineas and his sister Barbara; and in two more minutes Barbara had returned to Mr. Elias Bodkin, so that Phineas and Mary were uninterrupted.  They manage these things very quickly and very cleverly in Killaloe.

Project Gutenberg
Phineas Finn from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.