Before the War eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 161 pages of information about Before the War.

Before the War eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 161 pages of information about Before the War.

Morocco difficulty, the, 115
  France’s request to England, 44

Moulton, Lord, meets German Emperor, 68

National philosophy, German, 30

Navy, British, mobilization of, 50
  sea power the dominant element in military policy, 200
  why strengthened and increased, 87, 129, 181

Navy, German, Buelow on, 57
  William II. and, 54

Nicholson, Lord, and a new military system, 196
  chief of General Staff, 188

Officers’ Training Corps, organization of, 192

Ottley, Admiral Sir Charles, secretary of Committee of Imperial
    Defense, 185

Panther sent to Agadir, 68

Peace terms, the, burden of, 210

Post-war problems, and how they should be met, 208

Potsdam, a reported Crown Council at, and Tirpitz’s version of, 131, 149

Reinsurance Treaty of 1884, 126, 146

Repington, Col.  A’Court, 191

Reventlow, Count, 38 (note)

Richter opposes Tirpitz on the naval program, 142

Russia, army of, 180
  her hostility to Austria, 113
  not wishful for war, 162

Russo-Japanese War, William II. and, 116

Sargent, J.S., lunches with the Emperor, 68

Schoen, Baron von, accompanies William II. to England, 62
  and the Bagdad Railway question, 65

Serbia as “provocative neighbor,” 23
  ultimatum to, 133

Skiernevice (see Reinsurance Treaty)

Social Democracy, and militarism, 108
  in Germany, 84, 144

Special Reserve, the, organization of, 178

Spender, J.A., meets the Emperor, 68

Stosch, and the German Navy, 138

Tangier, William II. at, 53, 115

Tariff Reform, the Kaiser on, 55

Teaching universities, author and, 39

Technical colleges in England, 40

Territorial Force, the, its part in the world war, 49
  mobilization of, 50
  organization of, 48, 178

Tirpitz, Admiral von, an admission by, 138
  an interview with, 74
  and Bethmann-Hollweg’s policy, 141
  criticizes author, 160
  demands a definite policy for war, 143
  his “Erinnerungen” discussed, 137 et seq.
  his influence in Germany, 82
  informed of Austria’s demands to Serbia, 153
  mentality of, 137
  outstanding thesis of his book, 141
  tribute to British sea power, 161
  visits Bismarck, 145, 148

Trench warfare, unpreparedness for, 191

Tschirsky, Herr von, and the ultimatum to Serbia, 153
  author’s interview with, 38
  on Anglo-French Entente, 59
  on the English Press, 61

Tsingtau as German naval base, 140

Project Gutenberg
Before the War from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.