Pitcairn, Robert, division superintendent, Pennsylvania
Railroad, 42,
44, 49, 66, 189.
Pittencrieff Glen, bought and given to Dunfermline, 286-89, 291.
Pittsburgh, in 1850, 39-41;
some of its leading men, 41;
in 1860, 93;
later development, 348.
Pittsburgh, Bank of, 194.
Pittsburgh Locomotive Works, 115.
Pittsburgh Theater, 46, 48, 49.
Political corruption, 109.
Predestination, doctrine of, 75.
Principals’ Week, 272.
Pritchett, Dr. Henry S., president of the Carnegie
Endowment for the
Advancement of Learning, 268.
Private pension fund, 279, 280.
Problems of To-day, quoted, 40, 217.
Protective tariffs, 146-48.
Prousser, Mr., chemist, 222.
Public speaking, 210.
Pullman, George M., 157, 159;
forms Pullman Palace Car Company, 160,
anecdote of, 162;
becomes a director of the Union Pacific,
Quality, the most important factor in success, 115, 122, 123.
Queen’s Jubilee, the (June, 1887), 320, 321.
Quintana, Manuel, President of Argentina, 346.
Railroad Pension Fund, 280.
Rawlins, Gen. John A., and General Grant, 107, 108.
Recitation, value of, in education, 20.
Reed, Speaker Thomas B., 362.
Reid, James D., and Mr. Carnegie, 59 and n.
Reid, General, of Keokuk, 154.
Republican Party, first national meeting, 68.
Riddle, Robert M., 81.
Ritchie, David, 139, 140.
Ritter, Governor, of Pennsylvania, anecdote of, 342.
Robinson, General, first white child born west of the Ohio River, 40.
Rockefeller, John D., 274.
Rogers, Henry H., 296.
Rolland School, 13.
Roosevelt, Theodore, 260;
and Elihu Root, 275;
John Morley on, 325;
rejects the Arbitration Treaty, 360, 361;
and the Philippines, 365.
Root, Elihu, 260, 286 n.;
fund named for, at Hamilton College, 275;
“ablest of all our Secretaries of
State,” 275;
on Mr. Carnegie, 276;
and John Morley, 324.
Rosebery, Lord, presents Mr. Carnegie with the freedom
of Edinburgh,
relations with, 309, 310;
handicapped by being born a peer, 310,
Ross, Dr. John, 269, 271;
aids in buying Pittencrieff Glen, 288,
receives freedom of Dunfermline, 313.
Round the World, 205, 206, 208.
Sabbath observance, 52, 53, 133.
St. Andrews University, Mr. Carnegie elected Lord
Rector, 271, 273;
confers doctor’s degree on Benjamin
Franklin and on his
great-granddaughter, 272,
St. Louis Bridge, 155-57.
Salisbury, Lord, and the Behring Sea troubles, 353-55.
Sampson, ——, financial editor of the London Times, 156.