Rynason, since arriving on the planet three weeks before as one of a team of fifteen archaeological workers, had been interviewing Horng almost every day, but still he often found himself remembering only with difficulty that this was an intelligent being; Horng was so slow-moving and uncommunicative most of the time that he almost seemed like a mound of leather, like a pile of hides thrown together in a corner. But he was intelligent, and in his mind he held perhaps the entire history of his race.
Rynason lifted the interpreter-mike again. “Was Tebron Marl king of all Hirlaj?”
Horng’s eyes slowly closed and opened. Tebron Marl was ruler leader in the Region of mines. He United all of Hirlaj and was priest ruler.
“How did he unite the planet?”
Tebron lived at the end of
the barbaric age. He conquered
the planet by
violence and drove the ancient
priest caste from the temple.
“But the reign of Tebron Marl is remembered as an era of peace.”
When he was priest king he held the peace. He ended the barbaric age.
Rynason suddenly sat forward, watching the stylus record these words. “Then it was Tebron who abolished war on Hirlaj?”
Rynason felt a thrill go through him. This was what they had all been searching for—the point in the history of Hirlaj when wars had ceased, when the Hirlaji had given themselves over to completely peaceful living. He knew already that the transition had been sharp and sudden. It was the last question mark in the sketchy history of Hirlaj which the survey team had compiled since its arrival—how had the Hirlaji managed so abruptly to establish and maintain an era of peace which had lasted unbroken to the present?