it, which was a young hind, and of a strange haire,
for she was all milk-white. It chanced so, that
Sertorius was at that time in those parts. So,
this poore man presented Sertorius with his young
hind, which he gladly receiued, and which with time
he made so tame, that she would come to him when he
called her, and follow him whereeuer he went, being
nothing the wilder for the daily sight of such a number
of armed souldiers together as they were, nor yet
afraid of the noise and tumult of the campe. Insomuch
as Sertorius by little and little made it a miracle,
making the simple barbarous people beleeue that it
was a gift that Diana had sent him, by the which she
made him understand of many and sundrie things to come:
knowing well inough of himselfe, that the barbarous
people were men easily deceiued, and quickly caught
by any subtill superstition, besides that by art also
he brought them to beleeue it as a thing verie true.
For when he had any secret intelligence giuen him,
that the enemies would inuade some part of the countries
and prouinces subject vnto him, or that they had taken
any of his forts from him by any intelligence or sudden
attempt, he straight told them that his hind spake
to him as he slept, and had warned him both to arme
his men, and put himselfe in strength. In like
manner if he had heard any newes that one of his lieutenants
had wonne a battell, or that he had any aduantage
of his enemies, he would hide the messenger, and bring
his hind abroad with a garland and coller of nosegayes:
and then say, it was a token of some good newes comming
towards him, perswading them withall to be of good
cheare; and so did sacrifice to the gods, to giue
them thankes for the good tidings he should heare
before it were long. Thus by putting this superstition
into their heades, he made them the more tractable
and obedient to his will, in so much as they thought
they were not now gouerned any more by a stranger
wiser than themselues, but were steadfastly perswaded
that they were rather led by some certaine god.——
Now was Sertorius very heauie, that no man could tell
him what was become of his white hind: for thereby
all his subtilltie and finenesse to keepe the barbarous
people in obedience was taken away, and then specially
when they stood in need of most comfort. But by
good hap, certaine of his souldiers that had lost
themselves in the night, met with the hind in their
way, and knowing her by her colour, tooke her and
brought her backe againe. Sertorius hearing of
her, promised them a good reward, so that they would
tell no liuing creature that they brought her againe,
and thereupon made her to be secretly kept. Then
within a few dayes after, he came abroad among them,
and with a pleasant countenance told the noble men
and chiefe captaines of these barbarous people, how
the gods had reuealed it to him in his dreame, that
he should shortly haue a maruellous good thing happen
to him: and with these words sate downe in his