Censoriousness, a Mark of an Impenitent Heart, 207
Apostates, before their Fall, noted far Censoriousness, 208
Humble Christians not Censorious, 209
Duty of Rejoicing in the Goodness of Others, 210
Charity, positively, 211
Charity beareth all Things, 211
Believeth all Things, 212
Endureth all Things, 212
Harmony of Christian Character, 214
Harmony of Sounds, Colors, and Proportions, delights the Senses, 214 Harmonious Development of the Christian Graces, 215 Effects of the Disproportionate Development of Character, 217 How Young Christiana fall into this Error, 218
Marriage, 220
Marriage Desirable, 220 Marriage not Indispensable, 221
Qualifications Indispensable in a Companion for Life, 222
1. Piety, 222 2. An Amiable Disposition, 224 3. A Well-cultivated Mind, 224 4. Congeniality of Sentiment and of Feeling, 225 5. Energy of Character, 225 6. Suitableness of Age, 226
Qualifications Desirable, 226
1. A Sound Body, 226 2. Refinement of Manners, 226 3. A Sound Judgment, 227 4. Prudence, 227 5. Similarity of Religious Sentiment and Profession, 227 Treatment of Gentlemen, 228 A Peculiar Affection necessary, 229 Social Intercourse with Gentlemen, 229 General Remarks, 230
The Hand of God in all Things, 233 Comforting Considerations, 235 Supply of Temporal Wants, 236 Duty of Contentment, 237