Exposure to all kinds of weather has this advantage also. It renders a person much less likely to take cold; and, of course, less subject to sickness. For a great proportion of diseases owe their origin to common colds.
No part of a code of health is of more importance than exercise. Without it, everything else will fail. And it is as necessary that it should be regular every day, and at nearly the same hours every day, as it is that meals should be regular. We might as well omit eating for a day, as to neglect exercise. The one is as necessary as the other, to promote the regular operations of the animal functions.
But, when your situation will admit of it, I would advise you to take a portion of your exercise in those domestic employments which require vigorous exertion. If you open your windows, you will have the fresh air; at the same time, you will enjoy the satisfaction of rendering your hours of relaxation useful.
5. Bathe frequently. About five eighths of the food taken into the stomach passes off by insensible perspiration, through the pores of the skin; and with it is thrown off whatever impure matter is found in any part of the system. When this perspiration is obstructed, general derangement succeeds. It is chiefly to promote this that exercise is required. But the matter thrown off is of a very poisonous nature; and if not removed may he absorbed again into the system It also collects upon the surface, and obstructs the regular discharge from the pores. Frequent ablution is therefore highly necessary.