But when I speak of the means to be used for the preservation of health, I do not intend that excessive attention to remedies, which leads so many people to resort to medicine upon every slight illness. But I mean the study of the laws or principles of our animal existence; and a diligent care to live according to those laws. In short, I mean living according to nature. Probably a large proportion of the diseases to which human life is subject, are the natural consequence of living contrary to nature; or contravening the great laws which govern our present mode of existence.
Within the compass of a single letter, I cannot be very particular on this subject. But I would recommend to you to read approved writers on health, and the structure and constitution of the human body. Try to understand the principles upon which this truly wonderful machine is kept in motion. You will find it a most interesting subject. You will see the evidence of a mighty intellect in its construction. You will also be able to draw from it practical lessons to guide you in the most common concerns of life. I am the more earnest in this recommendation, because I think you will discover that many of those habits and customs of society, which are peculiarly under the control of ladies, need reforming. I am seriously of the opinion that the general health of society depends far more upon the ladies than upon the physicians. The former direct the preparation of the daily supplies of food, designed to sustain, refresh, and keep in motion the human system. The latter can only give prescriptions for regulating this delicate machinery, when, by mismanagement, it has got out of order. I will, however, give you a few simple rules for the preservation of health, which, though incomplete, will be of great benefit, if faithfully pursued. From experience, study, and observation, you will no doubt be able to add to them many improvements.
1. Make attention to health a matter of conscience, as a religious duty. Pray daily that God would give you wisdom and self-denial, that you may be able to avoid whatever is injurious, and to persevere in the judicious use of such means as are necessary to promote sound health and energy of body.