7. Advocate and Intercessor. (1.) What an advocate is: one that manages a cause for another at court, and undertakes to procure his justification and discharge. If his client is prosecuted for debt, he must show that the debt has been paid; if for crime, he must show some reason why he should not be punished. Jesus Christ can show both, in regard to us. 1 Peter 1:18, 19. 1 Cor. 6:20. Isa. 53:5. What an intercessor is: one that undertakes to present the petitions of a criminal at the bar of his offended sovereign. When a petition is presented for pardon, the person presenting it must become responsible for the future good conduct of the criminal. Christ has become our surety. When he asks for undeserved favor to be bestowed upon the criminal, it must be on the score of his own merits. Jesus can present our petitions with assurance on this ground. How blessed are they who have such an Advocate and Intercessor at the throne of heaven! Rom. 8:34. Heb. 7:25. How we may come to the throne of grace through his intercession. Heb. 4:16. No worship acceptable, which is not offered through the intercession of Christ. John 14:13. Acts 4:12. Eph. 5:20.
8. Friend. What is implied in a friend. [1.] He must be able and willing to help us. Christ is both able and willing to help all who come to him. Heb. 7:25. Matt. 11:28-30. John 6:37, l.c. [2.] Friendship must be cordial. Such is the friendship of Jesus. John 15:15, 16. [3.] A friend must possess a sympathizing heart. Such is the heart of Jesus. Heb. 4:15.
9. Elder Brother. (1.) The relation of an Elder Brother to the younger members of the family. (2.) How we come into this relation to Christ. Gal. 4:4-6. (3.)The blessings that we receive, through this relation. Gal. 1:7. Rom. 8:17. (4.) The goodness of the Son, who would of his own accord, receive a stranger into his Father’s family, to be adopted, as a joint heir with him to his Father’s estate.
10. Husband. (1.)Proof of this relation between Christ and the church. Isa. 54:5. Eph. 5:25-32. Rev. 19:7, 8. 22:17. (2.) What is implied in this relation. [1.] Union. John 15:5. Eph. 4:31. [2.] Protection. Matt. 16:18. Ca. 8:5, f.c. [3.] Provision. Phil. 4:19. Eph. 5:29. [4.] Sympathy and Love. Heb. 4:15. 8:6, 7. [5.] Fellowship. Ca. 5:1.
1. Faith. (1.) What faith is. Heb. 11:1. (2.) It’s object. Rom. 4:3, 5 Eph. 1:12, 13. Heb. 11:6. (3.) The effects of faith on the heart. Acts 15:9. Gal. 5:6, l.c. (4.) Its effects on the life. James 2:14-26. (5.) Necessary to acceptable prayer. James 1:6.
2. Hope. (1.) The object of hope. 2 Cor. 4:17, 18. (2.) The ground of hope. Col. 1:27. 1 Tim. 1:1. (3.) The author of hope. Rom. 5:5. 15:13. (4.) The influence of hope upon the Christian character. 1 Thess. 5:8. 1 John 3:3. (5.) Effect of hope upon the comfort and religious enjoyment of the believer. Heb. 3:6. 6:19.