A Practical Directory for Young Christian Females eBook

Harvey Newcomb
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 308 pages of information about A Practical Directory for Young Christian Females.

A Practical Directory for Young Christian Females eBook

Harvey Newcomb
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 308 pages of information about A Practical Directory for Young Christian Females.

Improvement of Time.  Present Obligation, 151

Value of Moments,                                                  151
How to redeem Time,                                                152
Systematic Arrangements,                                           153
Motives for being Systematic,                                      153
Nature of Obligation,                                              154


Christian Activity, 156

Female Influence,                                                  156
May be felt in the Bible Society,                                  156
In the Tract Society,                                              158
Monthly Tract Distribution,                                        158
The Missionary Cause,                                              159
Influence in Behalf of the Poor,                                   160
A Plea for the Poor,                                               161
Example of Christ,                                                 162
Temperance,                                                        163
Interest of Females in the Subject,                                163
Conversation,                                                      164
Influence in bringing People under the Sound of the Gospel,        164
Influence directly on the Impenitent,                              164

The Duty enjoined, 164

1.  By the Example of Christ,                                       165
2.  By Love to God,                                                 165
3.  By Love to our Neighbor,                                        165
4.  By the Injunctions of Scripture,                                166
Facts,                                                          168
Wonderful Influence exerted by one Woman,                       169

Cautions, 172

1.  Avoid Ostentation, 172 2.  Prudence and Discretion, 172 3.  Be Resolute and Persevering, 173 4.  Be much in Prayer, 173


Dress, 174

Design of Dress,                                                   174
Things to be observed,                                             175
1.  All you have is the Lord’s,                                     175
2.  Your Time is the Lord’s,                                        176
3.  Personal Appearance,                                            177
Influence of Christianity,                                      177
4.  Regard to Health,                                               178
Compression of the Chest,                                       178
5.  Do not make too much of it,                                     179


Project Gutenberg
A Practical Directory for Young Christian Females from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.