A Practical Directory for Young Christian Females eBook

Harvey Newcomb
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 308 pages of information about A Practical Directory for Young Christian Females.

A Practical Directory for Young Christian Females eBook

Harvey Newcomb
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 308 pages of information about A Practical Directory for Young Christian Females.

TUESDAY.  Our country;—­our rulers, our free institutions, our benevolent societies; deliverance from slavery, Romanism, infidelity, Sabbath-breaking, intemperance, profaneness, &c.  Ez. 9:6-15.  Dan. 9:4-19

WEDNESDAY.  The rising generation:—­colleges, seminaries, and schools of every description; the children of the church, the children of the ungodly, and orphan children.

THURSDAY.  Professing Christians;—­that they may much more abound in all the fruits of the Spirit, presenting their bodies a living sacrifice, and offering gladly of their substance to the Lord, to the extent of his requirement; that afflicted saints may be comforted, backsliders reclaimed, and hypocrites converted; that Zion, being purified, may arise and shine.  Isa. 62:1.  Rom. 1:8.  Col. 4:12.

FRIDAY.  The ministry, including all who are looking forward to that office, and also the Education Society. 1 Thess. 5:25.  Luke 10:2.

SATURDAY.  The Jews.  Isa. 54:8. 59:20.  Ezek. 36:27.  Rom. 11:11-31.  Also, our friends.

3. Observe special seasons of prayer. Before engaging in any important matter, make it a subject of special prayer.  For this you have the example of the blessed Jesus.  When he was baptized, before entering upon his ministry, he prayed.  Before choosing his twelve apostles, he went out into a mountain, and spent a whole night in prayer.  The Old Testament saints were also in the habit of “inquiring of the Lord,” before engaging in any important enterprise.  And the apostle Paul enjoins upon the Philippians, “in everything, by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God.”  Also, whenever you are under any particular temptation or affliction; whenever you are going to engage in anything which will expose you to temptation; whenever you perceive any signs of declension in your own soul; when the state of religion around you is low; when your heart is affected with the condition of individuals who are living in impenitence; or when any subject lies heavily upon your mind;—­make the matter, whatever it is, a subject of special prayer.  Independent of Scripture authority, there is a peculiar fitness in the course here recommended, which must commend itself to every pious heart.

In seasons of peculiar difficulty, or when earnestly seeking any great blessing, you may find benefit from setting apart days of fasting, humiliation and prayer.  This is especially suitable, whenever you discover any sensible decay of spiritual affections in your own heart.  Fasting and prayer have been resorted to on special occasions, by eminent saints, in all ages of the world.  The examples recorded in Scripture are too numerous to mention here.  If you look over the lives of the old Testament saints, you will find this practice very common.  Nor is the New Testament without warrant for the same.  Our Lord himself set the example, by a long season of fasting, when about to endure a severe conflict with the tempter. 

Project Gutenberg
A Practical Directory for Young Christian Females from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.